Movie was boring...

I don't get the hype.
It's the same zombie movie except it's on a train, Koreans, and zombies that don't die. Why is this a hit? Just because it's made outside of Hollywood? Wow...


After hearing about it breaking box office records all over Asia, and some calling it one of the best zombie movies ever, I was a tad let down when I finally saw it.

It's still a good movie and very well made, but the way people were talking about it made me expect a masterpiece in the zombie genre. It had an emotional ending and some light 'social commentary', but most of the action scenes were things we've seen before, even though it was mostly on a train.

For every unique idea I enjoyed (hiding inside cramped train bathrooms or putting newspapers on windows), there's also the common zombie universe inconsistencies and rather silly lapses of character judgment. Some humans turn instantly, while others take a long time (does it make a difference where you are bitten?). That plan to crawl on along the baggage compartment - why were they conveniently in the dark for such a long time. Are there tunnels that really go on that long?
The zombies seem to be easy fodder all of a sudden when the big guy was punching them. They seem to change their ferocity and strength to suit the scene, apparently.

But I will give them credit for trying to think of new ideas for a zombie movie on a cramped train. Not really many places you can go.


Your MOM is boring


this was good


I dunno, maybe because it's quality filmmaking? Great cinematography? A story line with nuance? Maybe because they aren't zombies, they're rabid? Maybe because the underlying theme of the movie is about the short time we have to be parents to our children and how important it is to be there for them because we can never recover the time we've lost?

Maybe those are a few of the reasons.
