MovieChat Forums > Busanhaeng (2016) Discussion > Everyone on board was South Korean

Everyone on board was South Korean

In Western cinema they add people of all colours usually, or normally a token character here and there. I noticed that everyone on board was Korean. Does this mean South Korea doesn't feel the need to be political correct ? In some ways I thought it kinda refreshing that they didn't need to have every ethnic group under the sun in it, they did whatever they liked. Didn't bother me at all that they didn't have a white or black person in it. I also noticed in another South Korean film, The Wailing, it was the same situation. Why does Western cinema and TV feel the need for everything to have almost every ethnic group in it ? As a white person I didn't not want to see Train to Busan because it didn't have white people in, I don't only watch shows with my race in. Yet I have heard many complaints over the years that if a film doesn't have a black or Asian person in then people wonder why and how racist it is. I don't get it.


You're just talking about American movies, many places in the world doesn't have as big of an issue with race as you guys do. It's perfectly plausible that they didn't even consider this when making the movie. It does nothing to enhance the movie most of the time either. I used to watch a lot of Hong Kong movies, Hong Kong has a lot more non Asians than South Korea, and I always hated when they put a white or black guy in their movies. I can only assume Asians feel the same way when they get stereotyped in American movies. Anyways, there are lots of Scandinavian and European movies that are all white, and when there is someone of another race it's usually because they can act and fit the role and not some stupid political correctness. I honestly find it way more racist to put people in movies simply so they can appear not to be racist. What would not be racist would be to not worry about it in the first place and just make the damn movie.

Also, god damn this film was brutal, I was surprised they didn't get shot in the end.


lol are you stupid, it's not racist as long as those non-white characters are portrayed fairly. filmmakers include minorities so that non-whites would be more willing to watch the movies and find it more relatable, which is especially important if they're trying to cater to a multicultural audience. It's only unnecessary if the movie is a historical piece and took place in an era that actually didn't have certain minorities at the time.


" I used to watch a lot of Hong Kong movies, Hong Kong has a lot more non Asians than South Korea, and I always hated when they put a white or black guy in their movies."

Uh, maybe it was because British Hong Kong had black and white people in the population?


HaHaHa. This thread just made me realize why I love South Korean movies so much. They don't force this multicultural propaganda and the "diversity is our strenght" *beep* I love that they are ethnically homogeneous even if that particular ethnic group is not mine. i just love to watch them in their own setting doing what they usually do and doing it in a korean mindset. There is no need for a compulsory latino sidekick, an emancipated "strong female character" or a cliché afro-american policeman. Their own ways and customs are still dominant and it is apparent in every single movie they make. I hope that they never change.


IS THIS *beep* SERIOUS? I MEAN SERIOUSLY? The reason why this movie doesn't have any other races is because Korea is of 99 percent Korean ethnicity. Hollywood movies have the odd non white person in there because guess what? America is like 60 percent white? Comprende? Twat!..

..If your gonna compare it to another "white culture" why not compare it with say Poland? How many non white ethnicities are in Polish movies? *beep* ALL!. Not a problem because Poland is 99 percent white.

That great american education system!


You're a bit of a bitch, ain't ya.


Keep in mind that Asians in america are the smartest and most educated people in the world though, way smarter than people in UK and every european country.


I'm not really sure if the poster is for real or just being a troll. But in case you are for real, OP, I would advise you to keep watching foreign movies (or better, visit other countries?).

You see, in Asia, there's probably very little or no significant population of white/black/Hispanic people there. Almost non-existent, you see? So they just naturally portray that in their movies.

With Hollywood movies, people are complaining because America is NOT populated only by white people. You guys have large non-white populations. That's why your non-white populations are complaining, silly.


Because in South Korea, most people are korean. There wold be harder finding a white/black/hispanic actor in korea for the film rather than just make s great film.
If you are so hellbent on diveristy just wait for the american remake, where the protagonists will be white, the pregnant couple will be black, the baseball team will be all shapes and colors and the evil buissnessman will probably be played by a Trump look alike.

--There is no spooon


this is because south korea is an enlightened utopia, the city on the hill ordained by divine providence.


South Korea and Japan have never allowed general immigration.


Well, it's SoKo movie based in SoKo for SoKo audience so it's understandable if they are homogenous society, also their actors will be homogenous.

Though I am pretty sure, there are some LGBT in SoKo, feminists and other groups which Holywood feel urge to promote, so in this respect it was nice refreshing movie without pushing agenda about main character being woman with LGBT friends and hopefully Jewish uncle.

The best - Fight Club, American Beauty & Falling Down.
