Ben Posh?

I have seen Ben now for three seasons and I never thought that he was some rich kid that thought he was above people. Just the opposite actually. He really has been the most down to earth, nicest, most professional crewmember especially this season.

I think it is pretty clear that Julia has some weird insecurity about wealthy people and people from the south of England. If someone is from the UK and can elaborate on this topic please do!

I also feel for Ben here. I went to a rich, college-prep high school. However, my family was not wealthy. I played sports there and it could be dangerous for us sometimes on road trips. We often had to play extremely rural teams in poor areas all the way across the state. Multiple times our teams actually got attacked while in these areas. One time the state police had to be called in to escort us out of the town. All because according to others, "we were the rich white boys from the coast." After I graduated I came across more than one person who openly hated everyone from my school because, "we were a bunch of spoiled rich kids." And I even had people tell me "fvck you" right to my face and the only thing they knew about me was that I went to a certain school. It always just came across as jealousy or like someone from the school raped their dog or something.


Julia is a whiny idiot. Because he corrected her when she said, "Them Two." By telling her it is "Those Two." That is being a bully and playing his uppercrust POSH card? Give me a f'n break. She is cute but not very bright and extremely defensive and insecure. Crying over croissants, give me a break.


I really think Ben was trying to HELP Julia when he corrected her "them two" statement to "those two".

A case could be made that he was simply trying to save her from unwittingly embarrassing herself in the future from repeating such an obvious error. Shouldn't he correct her if he overheard her say to the schmucks on this cruise that "we ain't got no more vodka"?

I often hear people say "mute point" instead of a "moot point" or that a particular person "could care less" about something. I wonder how much less could they care, 3%, 5%? When this happens, it does impact the person that hears it.

I agree and also think Julia is a very cute but very insecure young woman.


exactly jet


Agree, but she was working over a 16 hour shift for demanding jerk guests. She is working because she needs the money. I admire Ben for making it on is own, but you have to admit that there is less stress in working a job you do not need the money for and just have a passion for it rather than a need for it.


How do we know he does not have the need for this job? Just because his folks are wealthy doesn't mean he is. Sounds like he took off on his own early.

Agreed she is really stressed at the moment, but Ben relayed the chronology of the conversations concerning breakfast and the croissants correctly. The guest did say that he was ok with postponing the croissant until later after learning they were out. Julia did not want to acknowledge that. AND, Ben did not know that Julia has asked Bryan to take the tender and get some.

Funny in the kerfuffle over the menu and entre that Ben had with Hannah. She also selectively deleted some of the conversation over the service.

They are all stressed over these guests. Julia right then was getting the worst of them. But Ben is on call whenever the guests get a food whim and is on his own in providing. I couldn't fo that - even if I could cook worth a damn.



Why is there always massive communication problems between the stews and the chef? The stews really do sometimes a poor job of communicating with the chef. If I was ever a chef on one of these charters I would meet with the guests before every meal.


Ya know, come to think of it - I'm still not even sure if the menus are guest-driven or chef driven? Probably a mix of the two?
Is there a way for a yacht chef to reduce the stress of having last-minute/quirky guests requests? Like asking them ahead of time for "some of you favorite dishes" and maybe have some of it prepped ahead of time?
Not blaming Ben (he's my favorite crew member), but I would think that someone with experience would be able to sort of "pre-program" some of the workflow of food service to avoid or reduce last-minute requests and changes.

...and Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lotta ice, whenever he's away


I think the menus are derived first from the guests preference sheet, then the supplies they have in ships stores and then the Chef.

Ben is not going to do much food prep too far in advance, that's not a hall mark of a good chef. But I think he mentally has an idea of what he wants to do for meal service. And he has consulted with guests in the past. But if they change their mind, he is at their whim. Apparently you cannot say "no" to a guest.

I think Ben and the stews would benefit by having the next day's meal services at least scribbled the night before. In a better world, the Chef would have the menus drawn up based on guest's preferences and posted for all to see ahead of time. Don't let the guests know they can change it on a whim.


Agree with you about Ben.

When we were growing up and mispronounced something, my dad (or grandmother)would correct us.

I edit for a living, but when people have learned that and said "I'll have to watch how I talk around you," I always tell them the same thing: When I'm not being paid for it, I turn the "edit" switch off.

That being said, Julia's accent, combined with her grammar -- "them two" being a dead giveaway -- does sound working class and uneducated. There's no reason to change the accent, but a simple grammar book can help with the second. It's never too late.


However, “them two” is standard speech where Julia is from. It’s colloquial. Correcting her was degrading and insulting to her and the community she comes from. And I am convinced that Ben realized that.


I was curious as to what other peoples opinion would be on the Ben/Julia situation. I've also never felt like Ben was a snob at all. If they hadn't brought it up on the show, I never go would have known that he came from a rich family. If anything, Ben takes up for the underdog - I think that makes him the complete opposite of a snob!

I like Julia but I think she is probably going a little stir crazy being cooped up on the boat with the same people day in and day out. Not to mention, the horrible guests that are onboard this charter.

I think the croissant conversation was a miscommunication, but I think Julia did overreact a bit.


I agree that Julia overreacted, but I do think that Ben can be condescending at times. I never took his behavior as being better than anyone else, I just thought that sometimes he acts like a dick.

This seems to be a sensitive subject for both of them.



He constantly says I when he ought to say me. I have a hard time thinking he's posh.


Oh my of my biggest pet peeves. It's not that difficult to know when it's "I" and when it's "me". People misuse "I" all the time.


It's not that difficult to know when it's "I" and when it's "me". People misuse "I" all the time.

Long ago, I concluded that the masses use "I" and "myself" incorrectly 95% of the time.


I get over sensitive and irritable when I am overtired as well. I like Ben, but agree that he can be very condescending.

Has anyone read any of his father books (Patrick Robinson)? I was looking him up on amazon and saw he co-wrote Lone Survivor. I did not read the book but did see the movie.


I was surprised to see what Ben's background was, would not have thought that at all. He has always come off as laid back and down to earth.
He can be a bit condescending but I feel that comes from the stress of his job. Never saw it as anything personal against anyone. I felt bad for Ben. His reaction to how Julia perceived him, shows what a good person he really is.


Surrounded by the other dim bulbs -of course Ben would seem "Posh"- Bobby,Bryan and Danny set the bar pretty low


I wasnt that surprised. Ben definitely acts like he had a better education than the others.

Also, I think Julia was just stressed from the charter guest. They really were horrible and incredibly rude and basically Hannah couldnt keep it together so she couldnt go in front of them and Tiffany is still new and learning. And so she overeacted to Ben correcting her language.

