MovieChat Forums > Travelers (2016) Discussion > Actually pretty damn good.

Actually pretty damn good.

If they don't drop the ball, Travelers could be one of the best Sci-Fi shows of our time.

That rug really tied the room together.


Good one. Do you do stand-up?


No, but I do enjoy and appreciate high quality television shows.

That rug really tied the room together.


Quick on the trigger aren't you?!


I agree

The actors are good, and Brad Wright is the show runner.

I'm liking the concept and have hopes that this series could get a good run.

Don't understand the lack of buzz for this show on this forum though.


[..] lack of buzz for this show on this forum though.

Posting here on the boards tonight, noticed that it's also missing elsewhere:


So ? People now die . its recorded and in the future people transfer their consciousness into the dead body at the time of expiration. ? Sobthe future bodies are held in suspension while the mind "fixed" whatever in their past ,our present . no worries of paradox and something happening to them in the future ? Unless it's a one way trip ? But then what if the traveler screwed up something enough that the future them didn't come to exist ? Then they couldn't go back to "fix" what they intended ..huge paradox events just by traveling back ...this show will self destruct .


From when do these travelers come from ? How far into the future are they from that they don't know now times customs . the one girl didn't even know to be dressed to answer the door when the case worker knocks . doesn't even know to wear underwear under a sheer sundress? This show won't make it ..too many problems will conflict with intention ..a consciousness of full capacity cannot inhabit a damaged brain ..the damage will still exist and lower function . just like jumping back into a blind person . they don't instantly regain sight. And the heroin guy will still have withdrawals and the addiction . dopamine levels will still be damaged and he'll get door sick .


Dope sick ....not door stupid auto correct.


you can edit your posts :)


From when do these travelers come from? How far into the future are they from that they don't know now times customs

100+ years at least and they have very little knowledge of the past as modern civilization has been all but destroyed. Do you even watch the show?

But then what if the traveler screwed up something enough that the future them didn't come to exist?

Time paradox aside, something all time travel show mess up. The Travelers mission is to radically change their future on pain of their existence. Once again do you even watch the show?

Quick on the trigger aren't you?!

Someone hasn't gotten enough likes today.

Travelers could be one of the best Sci-Fi shows of our time.

Totally agree, Brad Wright is a master.


Testing new boards.


Not sure about "best" but I really enjoyed the first two episodes and came to IMDB just to find out that it was done by the SGU guy so the hope is real :)


I think it will definitely be one of the best. Ready for season 2.

That rug really tied the room together.


I don't feel it's quite stellar TV, too networky, low budget and procedural to really compete with the big boys of modern shows like HBO, AMC and Netflix. But that said, it's very good for what it is, surprisingly so and there's definitely potential for it to get even better.


"I don't feel it's quite stellar TV, too networky, low budget and procedural"

Nailed it. But still quite watchable.
