CNN Poll: Trump Surges to 5-Point Lead Over Clinton

CNN Poll: Trump Surges to 5-Point Lead Over Clinton


Make America Great Again


YESSS and with wikileaks will only get bigger !!!



Trump sure likes them dumbed down....Make America Hate Again.

(Or is that Make America Dumb Again?)

(from the article):

Among white voters with college degrees, Clinton actually gained ground compared with pre-convention results, going from an even 40% to 40% split to a 44% to 39% edge over Trump. That while Trump expanded his lead with white voters who do not hold a college degree from a 51% to 31% lead before the convention to a 62% to 23% lead now.

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CNN Poll: Trump Surges to 5-Point Lead Over Clinton

And that's no easy task. Hillary has the mega-rich Wall Street liberals, the super-rich Hollywood elite, the national liberal media, and millions of amnesty-seeking illegal aliens stumping for her.


This was great. So many salty liberal tears.
