MovieChat Forums > ARQ (2016) Discussion > Such a huge missed opportunity with the ...

Such a huge missed opportunity with the ending...

Really enjoyed the movie, But felt I there was a *huge* missed opportunity with the ending.

They could have gone full-Twilight Zone and had the time loop only looping them while the outside world kept moving on.

It then could have gone several different ways - riding out the Apocalypse to the end of the human race - or maybe they decide the best way to keep the ARQ from Torus is to trap themselves in a loop on purpose while the outside world goes on.

Instead we're left to believe somehow his statement to "trust Hannah" will somehow get them out of this situation the next time... Which simply is not a very strong ending.

Also, Torus is a great name for a world destroying corporation, sphere with a hole in the middle... LOL

- Editor of many movies you've probably noticed on Netflix but never actually watched.


They did do the looping only inside... but they didn't do anything with this plot point for some reason.

I was also expecting something... like thousands of years have passed on the outside... war is over already.

They had the idea but didn't know what to do with it.


The time only looping inside the circle but Sonny still calling the enemy plothole is bothersome as heck... but you know what else bothers me even more? The fact that nobody in this post has mentioned the fact that time speeds up the more loops that happen. Eventually, seemingly soon, they won't have enough time to accomplish anything after they wake up because it will reach end time too soon (within seconds).


I think it was already pretty obvious that a huge amount of time had passed, since they'd looped thousands+ times already.
Trapping themselves in a loop on purpose makes no sense, since anyone from the outside could enter the loop, therefore leaving only a finite amount of loops before someone stops them.

