The Manny??

I guess this was their way of showing what an idiotic role the actor brother was struggling with having to play...... Well, they succeeded, lol...... That show would have been canceled in no time! An always shirtless guy, clueless as hell, wondering if he should try breastfeeding, etc. Doubt that a show like that would have ever made it to air in real life, yet it seemed like a pretty popular show in their world.


Did anyone else think the set of The Manny was Raymond Barrones house from Everybody Loves Raymond?


I guess we can see the "Man-ny" in comparison to Mike & Molly. That was also a sitcom of low quality featuring stupid and stereotypical characters with zero to no arc and very basic, childish comedy. It only ran for a few seasons instead of getting cancelled right away (like many similar shows), because Melissa McCarthy unexpectedly became an Oscar nominee and a movie star in her own right, so the producer's of the show decided to "exploit" the actress' sudden fame and kept the show running. I also guess audiences were tuning in, because of the familiar face.

Since we don't know much about Kevin's acting CV yet maybe he is in a similar position where he made a name of his own in movie or any other show before, but ended up an a low-quality show in the end.


I was actually thinking John Stamos in Full House.


Remember that show with Joey Lawrence and Sabrina the Teenage Witch? It lasted five years.
