HAM Radio

As a licensed HAM radio operator the way Frank & Raimy use their radios is totally incorrect. When operators talk on the radio only one person can talk at a time. The microphone button has to pressed down to talk then the other operator presses their microphone to talk. You do not talk back and forth like your on a telephone walking around the room like our on conference call. It is a major flaw and takes away from the show, the original movie, which I absolutely love, was done accurately. And lastly in the original movie Frank was fireman the killed in a very horrible accident and his "son" was a policeman.


If you accept the "magic" radio that works across time and without an antenna, you could posit that they're using VOX to avoid holding down the microphone switch. Much smaller suspension of disbelief (IMHO) 😃


Chaz W4GKF


Well technically they aren't speaking at the same time at all so there is no flaw.


they did start out initially doing it correctly by holding down the button when they talked and having it be one way... but then as the show progressed they started getting more and more casual with it until it basically became like they were talking in to a speaker phone during a conference call... which is obviously wrong for the technology being used. that said, it's not a major issue... it's just a minor inconsistency. at some point the ham radio ceases to be a major plot device and is just sort of there in the background. it's no different than any McGuffin really... a portal, a magic radio, a time traveling car, whatever. i'll bet nearly anything that a plot of one episode though will be that there is something mechanically wrong with the magic radio which threatens to cut off their communication... or someone will steal it/take it away. it writes itself. surprised we haven't had that episode yet.

Where did you get those clothes, the toilet store?
