HAM Radio

As a licensed HAM radio operator the way Frank & Raimy use their radios is totally incorrect. When operators talk on the radio only one person can talk at a time. The microphone button has to pressed down to talk then the other operator presses their microphone to talk. You do not talk back and forth like your on a telephone walking around the room like our on conference call. It is a major flaw and takes away from the show, the original movie, which I absolutely love, was done accurately. And lastly in the original movie Frank was fireman the killed in a very horrible accident and his "son" was a policeman.


HAM radio innacuracy aside, if they stuck to the original story from the movie everyone would know how its going to end and what happens leading up to it. Making the major change for the father to be a cop instead give a new twist to the story and explains how he can be so interactive with gathering information.


It is a "major flaw" only to those HAM radio nerds who lack imagination. There obviously is nothing normal about this HAM radio, it is being used by two people 20 years apart so there is no reason to think normal HAM radio rules apply.

I am a Chemist, do you think I complain every time I see "bad Chemistry" or the characters naming a fictitious element like Unobtanium??



I am a Chemist, do you think I complain every time I see "bad Chemistry" or the characters naming a fictitious element like Unobtanium??

When it is about a fictitious element, no of course not. But if it is about real chemistry you should. Or at least personally I am always interested in the correct info.


I completely agree, there should be more focus (I have all series) on getting the facts right. If it is how to operate a HAM radio or how science works or what forensic investigation looks like. It doesn't cost anything but makes it much more believable!


Have they ever specifically stated that this is a connection based on any physics or science? I sincerely ask because I'm only mid-way through episode 5, and so far it seems more mystical than scientific. If this is, in fact, a magical radio allowing a two way conversation across a divide of 20 years, one can forgive the characters the ability to both be talking without keying up the microphone.


Thank you for the information rhartford! This show makes me want to get a ham radio (and license of course) lol.


If you needed to google the "nickname" HAM to know what that means then I apologize for not saying licensed amateur radio operator. KM4IQH http://www.arrl.org/what-is-ham-radio


As a licensed ham radio operator, you should know that "ham" is a nickname for the hobby and is not an acronym.

Phrases and words such as COBOL and NATO and MBA and USA and IARU and SSB stand for words. The word "ham" doesn't stand for anything. It's just a word. Don't make it all-caps.

Don't make yourself look bad and don't mislead all those other people who aren't licensed amateur radio operators by spreading misinformation.


As a licensed ham radio operator, you should know that "ham" is a nickname for the hobby and is not an acronym.

I corrected myself too! lol thank you for the info.


It is a major flaw and takes away from the show, the original movie, which I absolutely love, was done accurately.

Actually, in the original movie, it works the same way. There's a scene where Frank (Dennis Quaid) realizes he doesn't have to press the microphone button to talk.

Below is a link to the movie on YouTube. Go to the 37:15 mark, and you'll see Frank realize he doesn't have to press the button to talk. And pressing it doesn't cut off John.



I'll have to replay the movie for the 5th time on my DVD. Thank you for the heads up, I'll watch again it tonight now that I've got my General license. KM4IQH


Interesting update, I did rewatch the original Frequency movie and did confirm that the radios were not used incorrectly. I did notice that the call sign was W2QYV that it belongs to the Niagara Radio Club in NY. I contacted them to see if they granted the studio the rights to use their call sign which they had not. Though they we're actually pleased when I talk with club trustee and he was flattered.


Original movie they end up not even neededing to push the button because of the weird storm but I felt that way too even when watiching the movie.


Obviously I Need" spellcheck.



FFS "need".


It's a fictional TV show, not a documentary. When Frank used the radio in the hospital without any antenna and no AC cord/plug, no one batted an eye.

If you can't get past the little things, you are not going to enjoy much on TV except WWII documentaries and the Food Network.




Yor right :)


Why do they always call CQ when they are just talking to each other?


Yeah, it's not like either of them is inviting somebody else to talk with them. It made sense in ep 1 when they first discovered each other, but now they should be calling each other by call sign instead.


Fictional or not, they should get some basics facts eight. Having a radio plugged in and using a button to speak isn't that hard to accomplish!


