MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > Did anyone here like THE EXORCIST III?

Did anyone here like THE EXORCIST III?

i absolutely love part 3. it's IMO the scariest installment yet (even though i DO love the original film). part 3 is in my top 5 horror movies ever. the hallway/nurse scene alone is scary as f^ck.


Exorcist 3 was awesome. I'd pay real money to see George C. chew people out.



With all its faults, I find Exorcist III a guilty movie pleasure. It brings us back to Georgetown, it brings back Karras, Dyer and Kinderman, and presents a chilling story of "Pazuzu's revenge".

Those who feel the same way might find these little articles of interest:



Also I forgot to mention that - in contrast to most viewer opinion - I really like the character of exorcist Fr. Paul Morning and I think Blatty's wordless introduction of Morning sitting quietly in his room is a masterpiece of poetic simplicity. Granted, neither Morning nor the exorcism belong in this film, but Blatty was forced into a rewrite, and he did some clever things with it...


My favorite was Father Dyer and his relationship with Lt. Kinderman.


I like it a bit more than the original. The demon was less restrained in this one due to his alliance with the Gemini Killer, George Scott was PHENOMENAL and the final exorcism was absolutely chilling.


For a cash-in sequel, that film was fantastic, loved it. I'm biased, because I like everything with Brad Dourif in it though (and he has some AWFUL films), but I was all over the hospital setting, and those absurd scissors. I don't know if there is any connection/inspiration between them, that Z-movie where the kiler's weapon is also giant scissors, and the Clock Tower video game series (Scissorman).


FreewheelinVertigo, what Z-movie (where the killer's weapon is giant scissors) are you referring to? i'd love to (possibly) check it out!


People actually liked the exorcist 3? the plot was f/cking ridiculous! Pazzuzu teams up with a dead serial killer to get it's revenge for being cast out of Reagan by possessing father Carass. Keep in mind the time it took for Pazzuzu to get cast out of Reagan and Carass falling down the steps was about less than a minute! so Pazzuzu manages to form an alliance with the Gemini killer, convince him to go in to Carass's body and do it's bidding, and all this happened in under a minute? that must have been a very quick meeting Pazzuzu had with the Gemini killer in hell or where ever. Bloody ridiculous.


Pazzuzu was the Gemini killer, was my understanding of the premise.


I haven't actually seen it, it's an old slasher, but at least the poster looks exactly like Clock Tower videogame villain and Exorcist scissors schtick!


oh THE BURNING! yeah i totally forgot the killer uses gardening shears as his main weapon! it's basically FRIDAY THE 13TH but not as competently made. it's kind of cool because it co-stars Holly Hunter and SEINFELD's George Costanza himself...Jason Alexander! lol.


Wait, there is a Costanza slasher out there? 
This is crazyyyyyyyyyy.


LOL! i know, right! :)
