MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > Anyone Surprised This is On a Major Netw...

Anyone Surprised This is On a Major Network?

I really liked the first episode, but I thought the show was pretty graphic and much darker with religion than other shows are. I really liked it though. I hope it makes it.


The devil is in control of this world right now. You think showing this on network is bad? You haven't seen nothing yet.


I think that was sort of the point. Some of the subject matter might be hard to do with the rules of regular network American TV. I would have thought cable.

But then we have to remember that many very frightening films were made before there was the freedom to show much graphic content and they did it through implication. For example, the shower scene in Psycho feels like a real butchery, but doesn't actually show much.


The devil is in control of this world right now.

In what way?

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


After the fall of adam and eve the devil was given control of the earth sorta like a lease till god comes back. He is the prince of the air so anything that travels through that full control over, internet, radio, tv. Google for more info.


He is the prince of the air

I don't think there's a proper way to respond to this, so I'll just say....OK...and leave it at that.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.



So god is Will Smith?

He may think that as well, but gee.. I don't know.


Hillary Clinton

Time for Retribution.


I thought it was pretty tame. In fact, it was a family-friendly version of The Exorcist. Still pretty scary.


Well yeah, compared to the movie lol. But the teeth coming out and some of the effects seemed to be more than I've seen on any major network show. I like it.


Have you watched the news? THAT shows much worse stuff than this show.


Its actually quite tame. If there was one show that pushed network boundaries into cable territory, that would be Hannibal. Man the stuff they got away with a Tv14 rating in that.

This will be the only comment or reply you'll get. Like I give a sh!t about YOUR interwebz opinion.


I miss Hannibal. :(

 


Hannibal started OK, but slowed down way too much, became too repetitive and way too predicable later on...

Wish producers would realize these days they only get 2, maybe 3 seasons to tell the story even if S1 is a huge hit - based on current releases seems they still plan on 5 - only to get canned after 3 - too many incomplete series. (And some series shouldn't ever go longer, for instance The Following should have been all done in 1.)

I know they've run out of ideas (same guys in charge for last 30 years - that's why), remakes no longer getting results (too often, too fast - GhostBusters - deserved it's total fail) and dark themed superheroes is also way past use-by (Bat vs Sup - a miserable mess that NO ONE needed and was only life wasted sitting down for it) ...

for Ex' anything over 1 season per book will be too much
- sadly I can already see the money minds counting on 3 a book - and that's going to bite them.


I have sampled every supernatural show I could from the last 30+ years, I would say yes, in terms of supernatural horror The Exorcist is probably the most extreme horror show I've seen on broadcast. Usually they cut away from stuff or tame down the "disturbing" level but this easily could have been an FX or AMC show to me. And very likable characters which ramps up the suspense factor, for me at least.

I'd say aside from The X-Files the only disturbing horror shows I've seen on broadcast would be Millennium and 2005's Night Stalker. And in terms of quality I haven't seen one so well written since 2003's Miracles.


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


Yes. Would have done well on HBO or Showtime. FOX probably offered up more money


Fox is a major network. lol

You're funny.


Ever seen 24 OP? That was on FOX and had a ton of blood, broken limbs, bullet hits, people on fire, body parts chopped off, electrocution etc.
