Designated Botox Face

Wow is it just me or is this show nearly unwatchable because of Keifers expressionless and stiff performance? It looks like he got so much Botox he can't move his face. Every scene he looks the same, dazed and stoic. Am I the only one??


He looks a lot older than his age even with all the botox.
I mean, really, I thought he was in his 60's already, and he is not even 50 yet.


Tbf he looked a LOT older than his age at 18, could have passed for 10 years older easily. He definitely has the oppositte of baby face. Then he seemed to keep his look unchanged for a while, but aging doesn't happen gradually but in steps in general.


Yeah, he always looked older.

I couldn't believe it when I found out he was only 34 when "24" first started.


I thought this thread would be about Virginia Madsen!

Kiefer looks like ppl with alcohol problems do after a while. Botox?

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


Yes, that’s an alcoholic schnozz if I ever saw one!


I remember reading that they thought he was too young to have a teenage daughter, but after they realized he *had* a (almost) teenage daughter himself, they left it.
I never had problems that he looked older, it was simply one of his positive features :)


I thought botox causes duck lips.

Guess what! I've got a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL! -Bruce Dickinson-


I disagree.
He can do a lot just with his eyes and body language (like in DS, where he walks into the tactic room, with his shoulders down, realizing he has to "prepare for war"). He is great, it is just a different type of a role than Jack Bauer which was *very* intense at times. Here, he is another character, a lot calmer and civil.


Am I the only person on this board who has noticed that Kiefer Sutherland has had plastic surgery done on his earlobes?


I had seen someone else mention this but I disagree. Same rather large lobes as always.


Rewatch 24 and compare the lobes.


I did and they are the same. They can look different in both shows depending on lighting.


OMG I just watched a scene from 24 and he totally has new earlobes lmao. His voice also annoys me on this show.

Maybe I should just switch to watching 24 


He's always had 'em and I think they are very strange.


No it’s not just you!! Keifer is hard to understand and look at. I thought he had makeup on for the part. His face looks blown up. Pock marks and his nose huge!!! What’s up with that?? His lips hardly move and he’s too quiet to even hear with my volume turned up. He’s a good actor but hard to watch. In my opinion, he was a poor choice for this series. Sorry, just being honest. Glad it’s not just me noticing this.


Ageing sucks. But it looks better to embrace it.


No, you are not the only one! It's really terrible! I don't understand why so many USA-Actors are so destroyed from Botox and surgery... it looks so scary and sad to me. In Europe is not so...
