MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > OK, I subscribed and watched it ....

OK, I subscribed and watched it ....

Blah pretty much. Same old same old boring stuff ... starts out with an even more Africanized and barbaric Klingon race with a new leader T'Kuvma who has nostrils a light-year wide. Same Star Trek cliches and seems to be aimed about about a 5th grade mentality.

There are so many great science fiction writers who would love to be involved in this, why are the Star Treks always so sub-mediocre?

Now everyone in the Galaxy seems to know what is going on everywhere via the Federation social network, and the Vulcan mind-mend over light years. It is ridiculous and throws away what should be a tenet of all future Science Fiction ... i.e. that Sci-Fi should converge as close as possible with science and what we already know.

What a disappointment ... and not to mention that CBS-All-Access charged me for commercial-free and yet still showed me endless commercials. I feel really ripped-off and I don't see continuing this nonsense.

2/5 rating.
