MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > The Problems with "Discovery"

The Problems with "Discovery"

Time to start the list! Yes, there are LOTS of things wrong with this mess. Let's start...

1.) Why send Burnham out into a highly radioactive zone to do an investigation? Don't you people have drones in the 23rd Century?

2.) The turgid Opening Titles. The standard morose non-music score. The parade of names like Nicholas Meyer and Eugene Roddenberry that you know had next to nothing to do with this thing.

3.) The lack of ability in keeping a camera level, and to not point it at lights. It's almost scary that such an accomplished cinematographer like Guillermo Navarro shot the first episode. He must really have wanted to do Trek very badly. Otherwise, why would he want to do all that J.J. Abrams garbage? Put. The camera. Level. Now! :-) Plus, the vertigo-inducing camera whirling around was too much to take.

4.) The super-heavy Klingon make-up makes it so the actors inside can't emote much at all. Plus, they're talking in Klingon makes it tough for the audience to connect with their emotions.

5.) I guess that the people running this show want to refute, as much as possible, Roddenberry's vision on having little crew conflict. That's why the crew on this series are at each other's throats on numerous occasions.

6.) So, Burnham assaults a superior officer and commits treason in the first episode? Are we supposed to "respect" her now? And, if so, how does that work, exactly?

7.) I'm guessing that this is just going to be another TV-MA "Game of Thrones"/"Walking Dead" thing with lots of violence, people yelling at each other, and generally depressing goings-on. I guess if that's where you want to go with this, they will get those viewers wanting that.

Add your own to the list. You know you want to! :-)


I was really taken aback by them booby trapping a body of a fallen enemy.
This shit is for terrorists and guerilla warfare.
