MovieChat Forums > Legion (2017) Discussion > Watched the first two episodes...

Watched the first two episodes...

Under the same name too that I've had for 13 years.

Welcome everyone!
So I caught up on the first two episodes already and I'm enjoying it. Before hearing about the show, I didn't know Charles had a son, plus since I recently binged Downton Abbey for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I've fallen in love with Dan Stevens. Perfect eyes and that voice. My goodness.

So the show is great so far! Still racking my brain to figure out what that yellow-eyed creature is though.



I'm not a big comic book or superhero (though I know that applies loosely here) fan in general so I had never heard of this character before, even though the X-Men is pretty much my single exception for the whole superhero thing. So, yeah, I had no idea until I started seeing fans of the character comment about who his father was and all that...though I don't know if they'll bring that up on the show or not. It's still cagey on how much influence the existing universe will have on this show.

But I agree with everything you said, and Dan Stevens is killing it so far. I doubt I would've thought of him for this role, but he's been a joy to watch. Must see tv for me as we roll onto into the third episode!



I only watched this because of Dan Stevens, I'm still in mourning about Downton Abbey lol. I had no idea what Legion was about and wasn't sure if I would like it or not. I had to watch the first episode a few times but I do like it now and will stick with it. Dan Stevens acting is brilliant and he's still gorgeous.


Dan Stevens is great in this! I didn't know he DA. Of course that's probably because I didn't catch that series. From what I hear, it was excellent. My bad.


@touch-of-my-burning-hand: to interesting things to remember in conjunction with those tapes...

1) We saw David eating what seemed to be tapes while mentioning TDWYE
2) He was wearing the same exact outfit during that inter-cut as he was during those memories we saw last episode (aka the striped shirt, jacket, etc)

Someone on IMDb pointed out the first one to me and I remembered the second. They certainly seem to coincide with that moment, but I have no idea exactly how. I assume we'll revisit it at some time where it'll become clearer...if this show does clearer, lol.


Oh my god 3 posts in this thread, I'm annoying, haha. I just wanted to say, obviously the last response I made was supposed to be in the other thread, so whoops, my bad.

That's all, sorry!
