So when's the sequel?

I liked this movie right until the abrupt end, which begs a sequel IMHO.

My problems are:

That guy comes into the woman's shop and practically says he raped her daughter, and then denies it. Why didn't the woman react then?

The angry ex-cop overhears the same man in a bar, checks his car reg and then scratches him to get his DNA. He hands over the car reg and the DNA sample to the woman but it comes back negative.

Bizarrely, the ex-cop doesn't let it go and he and the woman proceed to the home state of the suspect's car, and the movie ends. WHY?

The way I see it, and the only explanation that fits, is that the ex-cop doesn't believe the DNA test is correct. I call bullshit on that: DNA tests are ALWAYS correct, they're infallible.

Great movie, up until this end which needs a swift resolution.


Dixon told her, "He's not her rapist, but he's somebody's rapist," so they went to find him to kill him because they believe he's a sick-o, but they start second guessing their decision because they can't know for sure.


Part of me wanted a resolution with a strong vengeful end for the film and for a little while I was disappointed at the way it drifted to a close. But on reflection I think this was the right way to finish - and I think it is a finish with no sequel to come.
It was an emotional rollercoaster of a story and I think by its end the rage, and guilt, that drove it were just about burnt up. I suspect the closing road trip ended with a meal at a diner somewhere and after a final conversation they turned around and went home.


I replied on this board in another thread that I think the non-matching DNA and the story about the guy being out of the country during that time period seems to show that this is all being said and done to protect the drifter guy. Maybe he was working undercover for the government? I think this was the guy. I think him being a rapist but not of Mildred’s daughter does not make sense.....why did he go to scare the hell out of her in her shop?
