MovieChat Forums > The Good Place (2016) Discussion > Eleanor did not deserve a medium place

Eleanor did not deserve a medium place

I’ve gotta say, she certainly in no way deserved to be in a medium place. As you watch all the episodes and get more and more clips and accounts for the type of life she lived, she was a despicable human being. She may not have killed anyone or tortured anyone or committed genocide, but she was a horrific individual who constantly hurt and offended those around her


Well, if we're thinking more in terms of the traditional notions of Hell, she probably deserved medium or medium-well.

But, yeah, she was pretty horrible.


Chidi and Tahani deserved medium places, though. Tahani had a lot of personality flaws and her motivations were corrupt, but she still did contribute a LOT of good in the world. She raised billions of dollars for charities, endorsed good will, and connected people together. Chidi might have been obnoxious, but he tried hard, and he also put out some good into the world with his teaching.

Jason did a lot of bad stuff, but he's so clueless and dumb it's hard to fault him for a lot of it. I might give him a kind of purgatory - if I were assigning the afterlives here.

And back around to Eleanor. She deserved some kind of bad place, but not the one described with the bees with teeth and/or penises. Some of the punishments "Real Eleanor" describes (being at a baby shower, etc.) do sound appropriate for Eleanor's specific level of nastiness.

However, as the series progresses, Eleanor makes some amazing strides forward. She has setbacks (usually due to memory erasure) but when she's given the opportunity and support, she pulls through, showing that her core personality is actually quite caring, good, and loving. It just got buried under layer after layer of emotional armour from her childhood.
