MovieChat Forums > Baskin (2016) Discussion > Got a real Joe Pesci vibe from the resta...

Got a real Joe Pesci vibe from the restaurant scene.

Were these guys supposed to be likeable? In all honesty, I found them pretty awful, based on that "comedic" conversation in the restaurant, then there was the musical number in the van. However, I'm not familiar with Turkish culture or humor, so maybe a Turkish audience would identify with them more?

The synth music and visuals reminded me of Prince of Darkness, one of my fave John Carpenter movies. Other than that, though, I thought it was fairly mediocre - 5.5/10 from me.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Haha, I also got the Goodfellas vibe!

Films themselves are insubstantial. Your experience encountering a film is the film itself.


I did too.


Yeah, except in Goodfellas the guys weren't into f*ucking animals or f*ucking guys in the ass. He says he picked up a gorgeous looking prostitute and when he was with "her" he reached under her skirt and she was really a he with a giant c o c k but he didn't care and just flipped him over and went to town on his fudge tunnel. WTF?



The black priest (?) WAS incredibly odd looking. I kept doing double takes. He looked like he was wearing facial prosthetics, almost. Very strange.

I think maybe that restaurant scene was going for more of a Reservoir Dogs kind of feel. I don't know, man. It just made me despise the protagonists, other than the youngest. It was also hilariously juxtaposed with them singing and dancing to a sappy pop song, after showing what tough guys they are


I said the same thing to my wife. That scene was a Turkish Goodfellas.
