Parent's guide???

Would someone be so kind as to fill-in the Parents Guide section for the episodes?

We were enjoying the show, but there just seemed to be more and more sex (not something we want on TV) and the Michael Moore episode was the last straw. If this last episode or future episodes do not have these depictions, we'd like to pick up the show again.


It's television. The idiot box. If if you don't like some of the content, don't watch it anymore. SURELY there is so much in the world you could be doing than trying to force watch a TV show with your hand over your eyes peeking through.


Oh please, if you think network television has graphic sex you must not be aware of cable channels like HBO or have ever stepped foot in any European country. You know, where they show bare boobs on regular media programs and not have hyper-senstive puritans freak out.

I say, many Americans seems to be more in line with the middle east then western developed nations. So afraid of sex and sexuality if its not done in their theologically restricted constraints, yet they are completely conditioned to graphic violence.

And many wonder why America is the western leader of such things as murder and teen pregnancies...


Sorry to be so late with this reply. This show is a new find for me after a long stretch of little time and inclination for TV. (As my dear, departed grandma would say about her lack of TV: "Don't need one, I have a fireplace.")

Each episode of every show has a rating attached and the reason why: sex, violence, drug use, language. also, each show on here is described by genre, this show is listed as comedy, drama, horror. This info is listed right there with the info that includes the name of the show.

I also think commonsense gives honest factual reviews with no opinions and let's a reader decide. They do give an age appropriate guide as well.

I've raised three kids and they are reasonably successful and well-adjusted. I would advise against most advice available from random posters online (or on TV or from houses of worship).Of course, you should take my advice, because I'm reasonable sane and factual and seldom get all judgmental. but fair warning, folks may not like the next paragraph... haha

Oh, and side note: the Bible is pretty much Violence, Sex, Vengeance, alcohol abuse, more Violence and a couple baby slaughters thrown in. Lots of crazy rules and wandering around and harsh punishments for silly sins. It's like a guide for every abusive husband or boyfriend ever!!! and full of lots of passive-aggressive *beep* that is a classic psychological treatise. "So how did that make you feel after the flood and you killed all those innocent babies, God?" Mel Gibson's snuff film about Jesus was actually pretty sickening, but I have to admit, it was realistic. Other fun Bible stories: incest (get daddy drunk and have sex with him?? sure!), polygamy, slavery (both regular and sexual). But never fear, the heroes have concubines and kill scads of non-believers, but just ignore all that, m'kay? The Bible would be TV-21 at least! Take all things in the context they are presented. One is the "Holy Word of G-d" from cave dwellers about 2000-6000 years ago and one is a current-day entertainment option. Main difference, one isn't trying to run your life, it's attempting to entertain and possibly make you think. It's succeeding.


jerrywsagers, hands down, the best reply to the OP yet. I agree 100%.


thanks, i try.... nice name by the way.
