What a disapointment

Tried to watch the 1st episode. The music was horrible. Then, the almost immediate sex scene. The dialogue was nothing like Mad Men. It was like watching a police procedural. Rat a tat tat. I read the book on which this is based and the tone is completely different. I just cancelled my Amazon subscription.


I find it hard to believe someone would cancel their Amazon subscription based on the first few minutes of a single episode of a single series in Amazon's library of available videos.


Get your sub back and watch Man in the High Castle.


You cancelled your Amazon subscription over one show? Geez. Seems a bit extreme.
-"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense." -Steve Landesberg


I agree with the OP. Whenever a tv show has sex in the first 10 minutes, it means they don't think they can grab you with dialogue/story, so have to use the ole' sexcapades. Been there, seen that.


Why would anyone want to be mad men? It was highly overrated.


Because it made a shetload of money. I personally didn't watch more than one episode of Mad Men, but the general consensus seems to be that it was good, and either way, is was probably one of the most financially successful shows in recent history.

There has been a noticeable spike in shows that obviously try to copy Mad Men, by using similar time periods and topics. Doesn't make them good or bad, just very obvious what the reasons behind the executive decision to greenlight them was. Just as there are tons of shows that look like carbon copies of Game of Thrones at the moment.


Unlike you, I watched the entire series, and loved it. Very unhappy to find it's been canceled. I strongly hope it gets picked up by another outlet.

Just make a movie that makes me care, one way or another. I'm open.


The music was horrible? Holy smoke. I loved the music it brought back some great memories of growing up since that is the music my parents listened to throughout my growing up.

I agree that the sex scene was kind of weird I felt like it was too much of a in your face reference to the sexual revolution other than that the show was great.

I don't get why you think the dialogue should be like Madmen, I am not sure why it would. And glad it wasn't. I thought Madmen was really weak for the the most part. Don Draper was an absolute scumbag and to me was completely unlikeable in a not even remotely interesting way.


Why do they make the lead character a slut? The first thing she does is go into a room to have sex and a room full of people do not notice they're missing? Unbelievable.


While it's a fictitious character and her feelings won't be hurt by your words, I still wonder why you feel the need to "slutshame" her. 😟

It was a guy who was basically her boyfriend and he'd been gone for a while. She missed him and was horny. They're young and have high libidos and it's set in an age of high sexuality. And it illustrates a dynamic in their work relationship. I don't see her character as a "slut", just a young woman who likes sex and (maybe) gets off on the risk of being caught having a quickie in the copy room with her guy. Cut her a little slack. 😉
