MovieChat Forums > Christine (2016) Discussion > Was Christine Autistic?

Was Christine Autistic?

She was certainly bi-polar, but I also got the sense that she was on the autism spectrum. It could have just been the way Rebecca Hall chose to play her, but she certainly exhibited a lot of the traits of high-functioning autistics.

Another phenomenal performance by Hall. At this point, I'm convinced she could make any role interesting--woman sleeping on bus, receptionist eating a sandwich, bored dental hygienist, etc.

Food in Films: Jean eating ice cream alone and singing the Mary Tyler Moore theme might break your heart a little.


Yeah I believe so. From watching this film and reading about Christine Chubbuck she seems to have been depressed and lonely whilst also having the misfortune of not being able to navigate friendships well. Many people on the spectrum suffer socially like this. It seems some people tried befriend her but she rebuffed them. I get the feeling she was lonely and wanted affection but was also somewhat fearful of it, putting up a wall and in a way sabotaging herself.

Her lack of a romantic partner was considered a tangent of her desperate need to have close friends, though co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her. She was self-deprecating, criticizing herself constantly and rejecting any compliments others paid her.


Rebecca Hall is amazing, maybe my favourite actress currently. Superb.



Do you have a favorite Hall performance? For me, it's Robyn in The Gift.

I don't care much about award shows nowadays but I'm baffled that she's never been nominated for an Oscar.


Hard to pick one, she's been great every time I've seen her. I'd maybe rank her top five performances like so;

- Christine
- The Night House
- Vicky Cristina Barcelona
- The Gift
- The Awakening
