Her Date with George

I just had the opportunity to give this movie a second viewing tonight, since I saw it in the theater last November and enjoyed it even more than I did the first time. Rebecca Hall is so amazing in this movie. did anyone else feel so bad for her during the scene where she went on the date with George? she showed the excitement of a little girl in love only to be made to feel like total sh*t again. so heartbreaking.


Yeah that was incredibly tough to watch. Seeing her for the first time throughout the entire film actually be happy for once only to be tricked by him into attending group therapy.


So devastating to her...sad.


The whole dynamic between George and Christine was interesting.

He clearly sympathizes with her and tries to help her out... but evidently he doesn't see her as a romantic partner. What Christine thought to be a date turned out to be a co-worker trying to get her some counselling and help. Brutal indeed, to be over the moon thinking the man you have a crush of is in to you also only to find out they're pitying you and are in reality dating another co-worker.

I found the character of George interesting. Not a bad guy... could even be argued to be good but he's still a bit odd and hard to judge.
