FBI warriors

I actually played against a team called the FBI warriors. I was talking to my bud and I asked him "why FBI?", turned the corner and one of the warriors overhear us and he said: "F-ing Big Indians". This dude was 7 feet tall, in skates. They had a guy on there team who had "a cup of coffee" with the Blackhawks,actually he was the playing coach and was maybe 60. Anyway, they beat the crap out of us, but,they were better. Then, the "natives" other team was called I swear to god, was called the "Wagon Burners". Well the other team, did not show, and the ice time was paid for ... so ... we f-ed around for a while and then we had beers. It was a good time.

They were tougher then hell. Not dirty. Good Guys. Better Sure. We lost.


Okay then. Well from all of us up here at Possum Lodge, keep your stick on the ice.

