kinda disappointed

just noticed that backing up the campaign - i dont get to own the content but for 3 months, which is kinda sad.

i was really expecting the series to be funny but ... didn't happen. i dont know what the point of this series is ... to mock the fans who attend conventions ?

the handicapped people chase was not even remotely funny. i didn't find it offensive either, just not that funny, but maybe that's just me that i don't think it's funny to make fun of handicapped or disabled people.

the only part which provoked a cool laugh was when he started sipping the coffee on the laptop. after that ... kinda boring until the last episode - doll faced.

Doll faced was funnier than all previous episodes combined, which considering that you got like ... 9 minutes episodes, it should not be that hard for ALL of them to be funny. It's not like you're trying to provide laughs for 40 minutes.

kinda sad to see so many known actors in the movie, yet the quality of this show is just not there. 3 mil $ wasted .

Sorry Alan.


I thought I would enjoy it, for 10 minute episodes, they seem to be alright. Some episodes just don't seem to entertain (remotely), while the rest seem to do 'alright.'

Alan is just so self-deprecating in this it's kind of hard to feel entertained (and Bobby? is just a little too weird or redundant at times for my tastes). It feels like it's all an inside actor's joke for their amusement, really. I would like to see Alan in less despair, lol.


Season 1 was okay, but Season 2 was a total disaster with Nolan North and Mindy Sterling having the only redeeming performances. Oh and Stan Lee's best cameo yet.


my idea of this is, its not super grandiose but its definitely better than nothing and its good enough for budget they had. probably some actors didnt want to be in it too but they did it anyway because of fan support. and its watchable so i am not complaining
