MovieChat Forums > The OA (2016) Discussion > Reactions to the Ending

Reactions to the Ending

The last dance scene made me laugh hysterically for a long time, but I still liked it somehow. It wasn't a condescending "you're so stupid" laugh, it was just amazement and disbelief at an extremely absurd situation. And I didn't think it ruined anything, for me it made it better, it was a viewing experience I was not expecting and I enjoyed it.

On the whole, pretty excellent show, some problems, but also some great stuff in there.


I liked the ending a lot, too.



It was bad. But how bad it really was depends on how the show moves on. They really tried very hard to come up with some dramatic moment, but they were not capable to write one, so they went for a totally uninspired and very flawed school shooting. The performanche then is pure kitsch, which could have been as well part of Glee. It made me feel embarrassed about the emotion I had invested in that show up to that point.


Just finished the show last night so I'm still processing it and going through the emotions of the show. However the ending "dance/movements" certainly took me out of the moment.

I think when I look back on this show I will ultimately like it. It wasn't something I would have watched had I known exactly what it was about before hand but it had its good moments.

However that ending Dance was not one of those good moments. Truthfully it reminded me of the power rangers where they all stand around and do some goofy stuff (never really watched the show as a kid but I do remember something like that). The absurdity of them all standing up to dance in front of an armed mad man was just stupid.

A better ending cliff hanger would have been if OA got injured in some fashion and they all had to do the dance on the spur of the moment to send her on her way. The conflict they would all feel wondering if it was real or not could have been shown easily in their emotions and they/we could have left wondering if it worked or not.

That would have fit much better than the shooter coming into the school. Plus they may distracted the shooter with their dance, but they did nothing definitively heroic so their dance was nothing more than a WTF moment for the audience.


The ending was magnificent. I think those of less maturity couldn't grasp the beauty of the movements in terms of the storytelling. Yes, it looked strange, even comical, but the bigger themes made it awe inspiring.
You'll get there some day as you age.



I agree the ending was great. There are bigger themes. They all come from different walks of life (reminiscent of the breakfast club) but had to come together to make it work. Stronger together than apart. They all had to be brave and make that leap of faith. Great show.


Yeah I thought the ending was really good, and surprising. I say surprising because as the final episode was playing out i wasn't expecting a pay off like it gave, i was expecting a nod to say there might be some truth to what she is saying come back next series. But it actually gave a pay off with all 5 of them coming together for what I actually thought was beautiful moment, rather than the cheesy way some people have said.


Those of less maturity?

I'm sorry, but I find this really arrogant. Every time someone expresses a dislike of a scene or movie which is really different there's always someone to tell them that they are just not mature or intelligent enough to understand it.

The truth is that people just have different tastes when it comes to entertainment, it's that simple.


thats a nicer way of saying "some folks just have less developed tastes in film"


I agree, the ending was simply beautiful and the perfect way to bookend the story these people shared and the bond they've built.

I'm often glad I like things other people might not and I feel lucky being able to recognize art like this.



How did you make a connection to 9/11?



Norman-dostal, what a poorly thought out and condescending response. So according to you if someone doesn't like the ending they have "less maturity" then you have? You feel that one day the rest of us may reach your level of enlightenment. You're wrong, we all are entitled to deciding what we like or don't like in a story. It just so happens I thought the ending was right up there with totally cop out endings like the series 'Lost' had. I felt cheated after all the time I invested in the characters and story, the acting was good and the story was intriguing...unfortunately the ending was a waste of all that came before it. I'm not sure if the series is coming back, if it does, I hope it can redeem itself.



You wrote: "Youre weird-you agree with me but you don't-? HUH?"...again with the insults...that's the sign of someone who has no better way to defend what they're saying.

It's not my fault you didn't explain clearly what you're trying to make a point about. I'm still not sure what it is. You seem to be saying now you didn't like the exploitative nature of the ending yet previously you wrote: "The ending was magnificent. I think those of less maturity couldn't grasp the beauty of the movements in terms of the storytelling. Yes, it looked strange, even comical, but the bigger themes made it awe inspiring.
You'll get there some day as you age." You are confusing what ever point you're trying to make.


Youre right-I was mixing up threads. I removed the wrong posts.

I love the OA and am very happy season 2 was approved yesterday


I know the writers wanted the DANCE to be a poignant moment for us, but it didn't make it for me. I would have placed it--not to protect everyone from the shooter--but to send OA on her way. And are we to accept that this group of 5 have forgiven OA and believe her story? Maybe the DANCE should be done as the ambulance pulls away from the school, then we could see those final seconds, "Homer?"


If you look at it in the terms of 'is she for real? or is she a charlatan?' then the dance was perfect. If she is a charlatan, then she mesmerized these people into putting a lot of hours perfecting this ridiculous dance. If she is for real, then it took something super dramatic to create the alternate reality.

Either way, if the audience says'awww, C'MON!!', then I think that's what they were going for


I didn't care for it-thought it was absurd, that said, I would watch a season 2-overall a good series, but a lot to take in


Altogether its a very tight show that moves everything along on rails towards an ending that was long planned and thus impossible to make surprising. The doubt, their "dance", "take me with you"... When you have nothing to lose, there is nothing to fear. Ridicule, disappointment, etc. As such the necessity to have the proof-of-the-pudding be this violence-done-to-youths is sucking up to teens and talking down. Suddenly all of the previous story is about not fitting into the school system (- which may be extremely relevant in the US school system, but is nowhere relevant on the same scale anywhere in the world). Rather than any other conclusion you could possibly pick fra the shelves of existential angst and uncertainty among people ALL ages: being ignored, being lonely, feeling unrecognised, unloved, unseen.

The BIG drama and possible lies made obvious by the books (and thank you for making reading a suspicious activity for bent minds!) was SO EASY and dramatically empoverished that it almost, not quite, but almost is a Deus ex Machina. Writers, you got away with it - but you lost me.


I liked the ending with the movements, but I feel like it could have been rendered more special and significant if it had caused something to happen to the shooter. As some others said, the movements didn't really have any effect other than momentarily distracting the shooter until someone pushed him down. Which WAS special in its own right because it did save hundreds of kids from being killed, but it would have been neat if something supernatural came into play and affected the shooter in that way.
