In a Phrase . . .

. . . her justifiable anger devolves into a narcissism so extreme that she loses all sympathy.

She prescribes drugs for a potential addict. She bullies the addict's boyfriend. She divulges medical secrets, left and right. Etc., etc., etc.

She cares for no one's pain but her own. If her anger were directed at her husband, she might remain an object of sympathy. But she deals out blows left and right to anyone near her, with complete disregard for them.

Dr. Foster, in short, is a sociopath.


I couldn't agree more. I felt for her when she found the blonde hair and then lost sympathy almost immediately after. The bullying and using people and scorching the earth without any regard for those behind her was appalling. I don't know if we were meant to like her or if it was just entertainment, but regardless I felt nothing for her and finished the series just to see if there would be a big pay off. There wasn't. Such a waste of an evening.


I agree with you. I can understand her anger and feeling of betrayal but she did go about using people and not once was apologetic about it.And actually I feel when she first discovered he was cheating she should have gone through with things she were doing and called him out on his denials.


Thank you! I keep seeing posts about how awesome she is. I felt awful for her at first but she turns out to be such an unlikeable character. I don't care what she does to the lying, cheating husband because he deserves it but she treats everyone around her like crap.


The only sociopath was Simon. Gemma was justified in what she did. It was satisfying to see her finally come out on top, and even the one negative thing left open at the end of Series 2 will certainly resolve itself given some time, and she will be able to live happily again.
