
Now a subject that has not been touched on! Brilliant show! I am at the end of first season1 on NetFlix! Who thinks the series will have any violence?


I loved it also. When Simon explodes and finally hits her we all finally see what a serious POS he is. I wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face so bad. I absolutely hated his character.


Just watched the five episodes on Netflix. Riveting drama, great acting and the last episode was epic.


I, as a thinking, feeling, aware female CANNOT WAIT to see this lady NAIL HIS SORRY AZZ to a M-Fing wall 5 ways from Sunday!!! If I don't at least get this minimal satisfaction, Ima call it a friggin day... Who could with any limited amount of self respect tolerate ANY of this royal sheet without creatively coming up with a thousand ways to make this weak limp sorry beetch suffer infinitely and eternally?? I'm STILL counting the ways to perfectly exquisitely make his worthless sorry azz PAY with every 'life'possible!


Seriously. Gemma having the patience to hold back in a lot of ways would take some serious self-control on my part. No woman, or man, deserves to be treated the way Gemma was in a relationship. As if the cheating wasn't enough, what Simon did with their money...namely HER money...including forging her signature, is beyond scummy on all levels.


As a thinking, feeling, aware, heterosexual male who has been faithfully married for forty years, I cannot wait to see Gemma nail her creep ex-husband's sorry ass to a wall, with big rusty nails. Every time Simon smiles I want to jump through the tv screen and punch his smirking face so hard my fist comes out the back of his head. I am 100 percent on Gemma's side. Oddly, though, my wife doesn't care for her.


I'm a huge fan of British TV - and honestly think that it deserves a ton of respect and is seriously underrated here in the USA. I just finished this show on Netflix, and I have to say, I haven't been that angry in a LONG time...and I mean that in a good way. For some reason, the storyline and characters (and some of their deplorable actions) really hit me in the feels, and I was rooting for Gemma the whole time. Even though there are definitely things I would've done differently as Gemma, I thought everything came together perfectly in the end (I was worried for awhile that it would end on a cliffhanger for a possible 2nd series).


Everything you just said! I've re-watched it, like, an embarrassing number of times.


I am rewatching for a second time on Netflix. Absolutely love love love this show. The acting is incredible and I love how the lead plays Dr. Foster as both a good and bad person. Even the young actor playing Tom is amazing!!
