MovieChat Forums > Fixer Upper (2013) Discussion > Amazing how low house prices can be in T...

Amazing how low house prices can be in Texas

The other Fixer upper show where the couple flips house they buy houses that look like dumps for $500,000 and then fix them up and resell. I would guess a $300,000 house in Waco would look almost like a mansion compared to what you could buy in southern California.


The other couple live and work in California where real-estate prices are sky-high. Thankfully, I live in an area where 500k would buy you a giant mansion + 25 acres of land.


Yeah the flippers in Cali were selling a redone house for 409k. It was small too...900 square foot and it looked like it was in a crappy neighborhood.

Here in Texas where I live, you can get a super nice and big house for 409k. Cali has some crazy prices.


I love House Hunters when they are in California...makes me really appreciate living in the Mid West.


In GA, the same houses that you see for $300,000 and up, would only be about $200,000. As the #1 rule of real estate says, "location, location,location."


Honestly I don't really buy it. Have you noticed the cheap houses on Fixer Upper are always in crappy neighborhoods, and the house next door looks like crap? I live in Louisiana (and our real estate market is similar to Texas) and any house that costs $50k is either crap or in the ghetto.


Texas is a conservative State while California is left wing lunatic taxpaying nightmare. Might have something to do with what drives prices.


Wealthy people in California drive up prices.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


It's people desperately wanting to live in CA that drives up prices. No one is flocking to Waco, TX desperate to live there. That should tell you something. Also, not everywhere in CA is "liberal" you sound ignorant tbh.


It amazes me how cheap the houses in Texas featured on this show are...but then again you need to consider the fact that the vast majority of the houses featured on this show are very run-down decades-old houses and seriously needs upgrading, so it's understandable they're so cheap...compared to houses in other states like California.


Right now my modest 1500 square foot tract house in southern California is worth about 600K (it cost $11K when it was new in 1953). For half that much I could get a renovated mansion with its own lake in Waco. I could probably buy the entire town of Laurel, Mississippi where "Home Town" is based.
