
Check out this New York Magazine article about Chip and Joanna:"Fixer Upper Couple to Clients: Please Stop Renting Out Your Now-Fancy Homes on Airbnb"...


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I hope Chip and Joanna read this site...they should use the fact that people are renting the houses their advantage...have the homeowners put a small sign in the house a basket with the the Gaines business cards...

people rent and get a good close up of the house and I would think that would be good for more business.....the owners pay for the renovations and it's "their" house.....they should be able to do what they want with it..

I think this will come back and bite them in the butt


Wow, it takes a lot of arrogance to try and dictate what people do with their own property. The renovations aren't exactly on loan either since the clients pay for them. The Gaines already money 2. Got an episode out of these clients, now they want control of what they do with the property? Get out of here Gaines.


I would almost bet that the reason they're upset is because it's taking potential rental $ from them. Chip & Joanna rent out The Magnolia house at a ridiculous $695 per night, with a 2 night minimum. So someone renting out their home that was made over by Chip & Joanna would be potentially taking away from their $1400 minimum rental income. Like they're not raking in enough $$ as it is.

The homeowners should be able to do anything they want with the's theirs, not the Gaines'.

I used to like them, but they've become a little too self-important. And seriously, come up with some new design. As it is, every home in Waco is going to look exactly alike, and it will become Gainesville.


I have mixed opinions about this...

On one hand I agree that since the homeowners actually own the houses that Chip & Joanna flipped, the homeowners should have the right to do whatever they want with the houses...and the couple shouldn't dictate what these homeowners should do with their own properties.

But on the other hand, I can understand where the couple is coming sounds like their clients are just taking advantage of Chip & Joanna and the fame and recognition that comes with the Fixer Upper show. It sounds like their clients are just using the couple and the show to flip houses and then rent them out with the help of the recognition that the show brings, and taking advantage of the couple's and the show's popularity for their own benefit. So I can understand why the couple are upset about this...if I was in their position, and found out that my clients were just using me and the fame of my show for their own benefit, I would be pretty pissed off too...I wouldn't try to dictate what my clients should do with the properties, but I wouldn't want to work with clients like these anymore.
I think Chip and Joanna flip houses probably because they earnestly want to help their clients build beautiful homes for to learn that their clients were just taking advantage of them and their show for financial gain was probably a kick in the stomach for them.


Good friend Clint is one of them!:


Ok that article is giving me second thoughts...the way the other article reported the controversy seem to portray the clients in a more negative seemed to imply that the clients' original intentions were always to rent the homes and take advantage of the couple's and the show's popularity.
But in this article from, it portrays the clients in a different light...according to this article, it was not the clients' original intentions to rent the homes, but the popularity of the show became too much for some of the clients to handle, so they decided to buy other homes and rent out the properties that were renovated by the couple. Which is totally understandable...this show is very popular (for a lifestyle show), so recognition and fame is bound to follow these homes and in turn the clients...and sometimes all the recognition and popularity can be disruptive and too much for some to you can't really use that against the clients. And since this article also contains excerpts from interviews with some of the clients, I'm inclined to give this article more credit than the other one.



I agree..some people can be so fake and deceptive and take advantage of it's understandable if the couple are becoming more wary about their clients and who they want to work with in the future...they have every right to not want to be deceived, exploited or taken advantage of.


This is different,though. The clients on Fixer Upper don't get a free house; they pay for it.


Why should they care what the homeowners do with the houses after the reno?

I'm sure they would love for the families to stay in the houses forever and never change a thing. But that's not a realistic expectation - they can't exactly contractually obligate the owners to do that. So what if the owners sell, long-term rent, or Airbnb their homes? The family's financial situation could change, and they might need to get creative to keep the property. Let 'em do it!

An unintented side-effect of appearing on their show is that HGTV lookiloos will come sniffing around, taking pictures, knocking on the door to see the inside. (Maybe eating a cockroach on the front lawn for snapchat 😁) That would get on my nerves, too.



This brought to mind something I remember from years ago when I lived in Vegas. A radio station (I am almost certain it was radio) gave away a brand new home, in a brand new subdivision that was a total replica of the house on The Simpsons, It was so out of place, and if I would have been a neighbor would have been pissed. I know they had the same trouble with people driving by, others wanting to see inside etc. I believe though that the winners had to sign a contract saying they could not sell the house for X amount of years (2 I think).
It makes me wonder why they don't put a clause in the contracts the clients on this show sign. I agree that it really isn't their business what happens to the property, but I am sure there is a contract for the appearance. I can understand them not being able to have real clients (meaning not from the show) agree to it though.

I never finish anyth


even their friend the guy who builds the tables and wooden things for the houses that chip and jojo fix up, moved out of the house they fixed up for him and his family


I did not know that. It kind of supports an impression Ive had that most of these clients are 'choosing' houses that the Gaines would prefer to make over rather than the ones they actually want because some of these houses are truly an ill fit for the buyers and their families, the "barndaminium" being a prime example. Maybe the people who are moving out, and trying to recoup their expenditures by renting, are doing so because 1. The homes just aren't working for them and 2. The homes are over-built for the area and the owners can't recoup their investment.


I'm re-watching the Clint ep now and I stand by my previous comment. wow did they make a huge mistake. The yard was extremely unattractive and it looked like it was in a bad area of town. The 2nd house was much more suitable for them. The lot was pretty and the house itself was darling. It had a much better layout than the one they'chose' and had plenty of space. Some of it was already 'done'. I really think the 'pit' was chosen for them in order to have a more dramatic 'reveal'.


the article stated that 1 family the fathers job totally changed and they were going to have to move...most of the was said people recognize the houses are and driving by and knocking on the door


Then you have to wonder why the Chip and Joanna are trying to lay down the law.


Why should Chip and Joanna care if people rent their houses after C and J work on them? It doesn't affect them, so it's really none of their business.
