MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > If only the Duffer Brothers would get th...

If only the Duffer Brothers would get the chance to do a series based on Stephen King's IT.

My son and I just binge-watched Stranger Things and followed it up with a viewing of It part one. "It" was a total washout. The old 1990 miniseries was so much better. The new version was actually laughable, even to my 13 year old. Little to no characterization and a really stupid over-cooked Pennywise. Forced 'scary' scenes. My son called it the 'Try-Hard horror movie".

Stranger Things accomplished everything 'It' set out to do far, far better. Every single episode of ST taken alone was far more enjoyable than the It movie.

I hope that maybe in five or ten years or so the Duffer Bros will get the chance to make the definitive version of It.


Haven't you already posted this somewhere else?

In any case, I don't agree. IT was great for me (both parts) and Stranger Things was good for the first two seasons, but credibility was strained in the third: I mean, how could the Soviets build a massive military base beneath a US town like that??


No. I just posted how much I thought It stunk on the It board.

As far as the Soviet base, this is pulp horror. That's the least of my worries. What I care about is an exciting story and characters I can care about. The mood and feel of ST is perfect. The characters are so well developed, even the minor ones, you really care about them... 'It' was just a bunch of foulmouthed cardboard kids getting chased by a cartoon clown. The only one who was remarkable was the kid who also played Mike in ST.


So you're biased towards ST?

As for the 1990 miniseries, how can anyone defend that dated melodramatic TV sensitised crap? Case in point: Pennywise confronting Eddie in the shower - what happened after the cutaway from the clown showing his teeth to his frightened victim? Did Pennywise and Eddie just stare awkwardly at each other before the clown went back down the hole? Come on, there's no defending such gaps in logic.


I'm biased toward ST because it is far superior to It in trying to capture many of the same moods and themes.

The 1990 It miniseries may lack profanity and gore, but other than that, it is so far above the new version of It that it makes the film laughable by comparison. How can anyone like a movie where all it has going for it is flashy CGI? No characters, no suspense, no background... No way kids would ever go near the movie Pennywise... Ridiculous. It 2017 is like a rough pencil sketch of what an It dramatization should be.

As far as the Eddie scene, the cutaway was supposed to make audiences exercise their imagination. That's a technique used in many classic horror films.


I used to like the miniseries. I didn't really follow the behind-the-scenes for the movie before it came out, but then I saw the movie and fell in love with it immediately. It was just the same with me and Harry Potter: I had practically no knowledge of the story or characters, then I walked into the 2001 movie and fell in love with that even harder, to the extent that I became OBSESSED with Harry Potter for the next few years... until Spirited Away came out in UK cinemas in 2003, then I was OBSESSED with Japanese stuff thereafter. I guess I'm fickle. But I know what I love, and I don't even like the IT miniseries anymore.


I was always partial to Stranger Things, but I'll take either IT movie over ST3.
