MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Do we really want a Season 2, though?

Do we really want a Season 2, though?

Of course, Stranger Things is a great series...don't get me wrong. But, I'm afraid of the diminishing returns for some of the concepts in its first season.

Sure, we still have some questions unanswered, and in awesome 80s fashion, they set up a season 2 with the epilogue. But is anyone else worried that if a second season were to come around, and it were to be bad, that it would tarnish how we feel about it?


I don't want a second season, towards the end of the season they started to repeat themselves too much. Don't think there is much to go on for a S2 to be honest.

The 9.2 rating is mostly for the first episode.


The 9.2 rating is mostly for the first episode.

Agreed. I gave the show a 6 and might revise it for a 5, not sure yet. What's for sure is that i watched it only because of the high rating and because netflix has a compelling track record aside from Sense8 and OITNB and while i am not greatly disappointed, i have to say the series doesn't live up to my expectations. The story is rather trite and looks like a mash-up of all the tropes pervading the 80's horror movie scene, Winona is unconvincing and the effects are rather uninspired.

The only redeeming qualities are the spot on 80's mood, feel, music and setting, plus Hopper pulls off a decent performance. Other than that, the show is average at best.

The again, this is exactly what i said about the first season of Bloodline, yet ended up loving the second one from start to finish, so let's see what Stranger Things season 2 has in store for us. But as for now, ST doesn't deserve more than a 7.5 overall rating in my view.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


Loved loved loved loved this show, hated that the finale left it open.
I would have been okay if it was just unanswered questions, but once it was clear it was setting up for another season I was really disappointed.


I hope it's left as a miniseries. It was great but it would be sad to see it ruined like Under the Dumb was.


That show sucked from the beginning. Good book though.

"I'm okay with it being awkward between us."


I definitely think the show can go 3 seasons. Maybe bring in some new characters to keep it fresh, and kill a few off.


I'm looking forward to a season 2. Especially if they really explore the upside down world. I think it could be very intriguing and I love the cast, I really don't think they can go wrong with a Season 2.


I really don't to be honest. I love when films end like this, it allows you to interpret the ending any way you choose.
I just don't think they could recapture the magic of season 1.
If they can I would be REALLY impressed.


"Ascension" was another good scifi miniseries (6 eps) which I'm glad they didn't try to bleed dry for multiple seasons.



That wrapped up really nicely, added a nice little 'or IS it?!' at the end, and I felt very satisfied with the resolution.

If they force a season 2 with the same characters, I'm going to be disappointed.
Are there really more stories to tell here? I think it would be much better, as someone else said, if it were an Anthology, and they had a new and interesting 'Stranger Thing' each season.


Well, the Duffers probably expected a second season so I bet they had it planned before the S1 premiere. It's not like where you have a show that debuts on ABC and becomes a hit so they quickly scrounge up a second season.

While I do watch anthologies, I'm kind of tired of the format. If this was a cruddy show like Slasher and many of the newer American Horror Story seasons, then by all means, clean the board and start over. Unless a show is a traditional anthology (self-contained episodes like the original Tales from the Crypt), the concept is getting out of hand in modern day TV.


Yes, I want a season two.

I hope the Duffer Brothers can write it well enough to want a season three.


This is quite an old post so much of the misgivings are likely to be based on unknown information. It now looks like the Duffers have a plan for a series, we can never get back to the point where we just watch it without expectation but I trust them enough to keep to their plan.

So, yeah, bring on season two and how ever many season the Duffers plan is for but let's hope they don't stretch it out just because it's popular. So far it looks like both Netflix and the Duffers/21 Laps want a tight show with no filler scenes let alone episodes and fingers crossed they get to carry that out to perfection.


Yes I want season 2 and 3 and 4 and .... They can have different stories. You can simply not watch them if you don't want to. No cost to you.


There are some plot points like the slug Will spat out and what happened to Eleven I want explored in another season.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)
