MovieChat Forums > Fauda (2015) Discussion > Netflix ruined this series

Netflix ruined this series

Caught the original three episodes at a film festival in Los Angeles last year. It aired in Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles. Now airing on Netflix... they dubbed the Hebrew with English and only subtitle the Arabic. The Israelis speaking English makes no sense continuity wise and the dubbing is horrendous. Netflix air the original series as it was produced!


The English subtitles not matching the English dub really bothered me. I changed it to Hebrew with English subtitles and I enjoy it so much more.

I like the show so far, I'm 5 episodes in.


I tried watching the English dubbed version but did not like it. The dubbing was particularly bad. I switched to watching in the original Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles. Listening to the original I could appreciate the emotional inflection in the voices.

English is my first language but I live in Santo Domingo, DR where I function in Spanish. I am noticing the number of Arabic words that are the same or similar to Spanish, a legacy of the Ummayad conquest of Hispania that occupied most of modern day Spain, Portugal and part of southern France. That occupation lasted almost 8 centuries.

I haven't set foot in a movie theater in about thirty years.

I cancelled my cable over a year ago.

Between Netflix and IMDB I have a much more dynamic and satisfying entertainment experience than ever before.
