MovieChat Forums > Morgan (2016) Discussion > The ending? (spoilers)

The ending? (spoilers)

I have read several comments about people’s take on the ending and most people seem to have missed the point entirely. The very ending where Kate Mara is at the table and she looks at her hands and does that motion is identical to when Morgan did the motion earlier on in the film.

It signifies that Morgan’s mind and soul got transferred into Kate Mara. Since we last saw Morgan being drowned by Kate Morgan in the lake, I believed this was obvious but apparently people didn’t understand this.


I thought it just reinforced the fact that Kate Mara is also an experiment.
On what basis would you think that Morgan has the ability to transfer her mind and soul?


She did the same hand gesture.


Does the movie mention anything about Kate Mara or Morgan having an ability to transfer minds and souls?

If not, then I can see why no one else invented such a power for them.


Nope. Nothing in the film supports anything beyond that the "L-4" is related to the "L-9"...
