Only Jesse Eisenberg...

can make Kristen Stewart show talented on the screen. This guy has zero range, playing the same way in every role he is given, including his Tourette style hand/finger twitching and the predictable leaning in towards his co-star.


This is a Woody Allen movie.

Jesse plays the role as Woody would have done, if young enough for the role, with great execution.

Didn't even know this was an Allen flick until i started it and saw Jesse act, but it only took a few seconds.

Sure, Woody Allen is not for everyone (OP??) but saying Jesse has zero range because you don't like the Woody-trademark jewish new york neurotic Jesse plays is mind-boggling.

It TAKES range to drop your acting style and pull off a more than passable young Woody Allen.

Best guess? OP has either never seen an Allen flick or has never seen the one he is posting about.

Strange yeah?



Best guess? OP has either never seen an Allen flick has never seen the one he is about.

Nope. I've seen this film, and most of Allen's films, going back to Take the Money and Run.

I'm curious about young underachiever - the self-labeled film expert - how many films has she/he seen since the beginning of 2016 alone?



I totally agree. And it seems he was successful in the Social Network because Zuckerberg is probably like him. I won't watch any movie that has Eisenberg, as his nervous energy is just irritating.
