I liked it!

Who else did?


I watched yesterday afternoon and I thought it was really good. It was actually better that I thought it would be. I'm seeing it again on Thursday


Awesome! :-)


I watched the first movie for the first time yesterday and actually liked it. I didn't think I would like it because of all the terrible reviews. I hope the 2nd is better :)


Gosh...If I would have went by the reviews ...I would have never seen it. I do believe I can make up my own mind. I wanted to see it and I did! OMG! I liked it! Really enjoyed it. Silly me to think I have a right to my own opinion!


Lol I put it off for so long because I heard it was soooo awful but I was always interested to watch it. So I finally did and I thought it was great! It wasn't award winning by any means but still a pretty good movie.


I liked it too! I thought they had good chemistry in both the first and second movie.


I did! I get so tired of people slagging this movie I do tho to a movie to be changed or preached to. I go to be entertained and God forbid s little titillated. It's grown ass adults seeing it so why is that so bad?


Its glorifying an abusive relationship. But its ok because he is rich and handsome.

If Mr. Grey was a plumber you would not say the same thing, you would be asking why she isnt calling the police.


I'm sorry so many typos!


I liked it but not as much as the first one, a lot less.
I watched Darker twice already.
Another thing, not sure it is just me or anyone noticed this too: most scenes were not well lit, I could not see a thing!! The SIP office, C's penthouse, the bar. I remember the interview scene in FSoG the light and the office were so bright and Dakota looked so beautiful IMHO.


Even though the reviews and the RT score were below ground level, you still went to see it and still liked it. If this isn't a testament to what's wrong with today's society, I don't know what it is--and no, I'm not talking about the movie.

At what point did people stop the ability to think for themselves? Be it movies, politics, relationships, the food we eat, the places we go...it's like other people's opinions now become ours without our own first-hand experience. I tell my kids all the time, you need to think for yourselves, because there may come a day when there's no one else around to do the thinking for you. Sometimes out there, it's survival of the fittest, and so many people have become mentally unfit. It's scary how easily the population can be brainwashed.

Shun popular belief and do your own research, then lead by example. That's the only way to go!

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Your comment is what is wrong with society.

You are for abusive relationships?


Liked it as well - more than the first one actually. I thought Dakota and Jamie had more chemistry in this one. It looked like they were having more fun whereas in the first one things were often...tense - no pun intended ;-)

Let's face it - this isn't a movie likely to get an Oscar but if you go in just expecting to have a little fun and see a story focused on a romance between two hot, very...er...fit young people - it's worth the price of admission.

Looking forward to the third one.


Agree pilotom!


Same here, and it's coming out next February.


Souleiado1, if I remember correctly you were the first poster who replied to my first post on the FSOG board in Feb 2015 - I was asking why such a good movie IMHO was getting so much hate. I remember you said "The books kill the movie"... IMDB messages boards are closing down in a few days, I just thought I should write this thank you note. Cheers.


Thank you! What a good memory! I do remembered that thread , but it is funny that 2 years and a movie later , we are still debating the same subject 😀 Unfortunately, we won't change people's mind , they will hate no matter what.
Too bad , we won't be here for the next one , next year. Cheers to you as well!


10 days or so I registered for a few boards with same movie80 - RT and another I don't remember which. I still have some more to register but don't have time yet. This is on my to do list.


Which one? I joined one for my favorite board Outlander but I don't know of others.


I just watched it and liked it. I'm not sure why it's so hated. It wasn't an awful movie or anything.
