MovieChat Forums > Containment (2016) Discussion > Finale Sucked (SPOILERS)

Finale Sucked (SPOILERS)

Just when I thought the writing couldn't get any crappier, the ending was spew worthy.

They went with Miracle Boy Thomas, and they threw in a Miracle Preacher who just happens to have the same antibodies as Miracle Boy!

The old couple commits double suicide! WTF? All he had to do was wheel her to the hospital, there were still staff there that could have helped her. Even Cannerts would have fixed her leg.

Lex sacrifices himself for loooovvvve. Chooses to stay with Jana inside the cordon when we don't know if anyone is a carrier or infected, and Cannerts has not made a cure or vaccine yet.

Jake's final scene was crap, too. Just all of the montage scenes were sappy happy crap.

I wish they had just done an apocalyptic ending. I feel like I wasted 13 hours watching this thing. What a waste.


Agreed! I was so disappointed in the finale. I feel like this show could have really been great if it had taken a different direction. It's too bad we all wasted 13 hours of our lives watching this to get a super crappy ending.


Agreed. I stuck around for the whole thing as I was under the impression that this was a fully 'contained' miniseries that would have a somewhat, well thought out ending. But to me, the finale felt like so many others from series that were cancelled, but given enough time to tweak the series finale to try and answer some questions. It just seemed like they rushed as many answers into the last few minutes, which I wasn't expecting at all.

My general advice to those who haven't started watching this yet and are lactose intolerant, stay away from this series as the cheese content is through the roof!

MC Confusing: There's more blood than a rubber hose bottle of foot


who dies besides that old couple? what was jake's final scene? does anyone get sick, but not yet die?

EDIT: NVM, just watched it.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~


They went with Miracle Boy Thomas, and they threw in a Miracle Preacher who just happens to have the same antibodies as Miracle Boy!

Yeah, and the preacher would have definitely been an asymptomatic carrier and thus infected all the people he "blessed" in the church, hooray! for blind faith in a magical being in the sky.

The old couple commits double suicide! WTF? All he had to do was wheel her to the hospital, there were still staff there that could have helped her. Even Cannerts would have fixed her leg.

I also wondered why he never tried to take the old woman to the hospital in her wheelchair, if he was willing to die for her why didn't they try EVERYTHING possible instead of just giving up.

Lex sacrifices himself for loooovvvve. Chooses to stay with Jana inside the cordon when we don't know if anyone is a carrier or infected, and Cannerts has not made a cure or vaccine yet.

This I can accept and understand, him being on the inside satisfies his need for love and to protect Jana while also his need for duty as another policeman within the cordon aids in the protection of everyone within.

Jake's final scene was crap, too. Just all of the montage scenes were sappy happy crap.

Yep, sappy, soppy excrement.. He only knew Katie for a fortnight and was so in love, please!!

Also what happened to Meese? We see him shoot Walden then nothing...


Actually you are quite ignorant. I can see that. You can fall in love, doesn't matter if it is short or long. Most people think it must be long, but that is not always true. Guys usually know. Haven't you seen any other movies? Most romances were not over a year. Look at Cinderella, Ever After was 3 days but it was 24/7 during that time. They really talked, about life, dreams, goals. They usually do in the movies, they get to the details much sooner. It's not a movie, maybe dinner and a movie for 2 years. There's a difference. It CAN BE REAL LOVE. You don't know, clearly. People fall in love when there's adventure. It was not a normal life for them. It wasn't maybe a date here and there. They spent time together in the hospital really getting to know each other. Her talking about her life, her meds. You can fall in love instantly.


Actually you are quite ignorant. I can see that

Actually you are quite gullible and are obviously ignorant as to what ignorance is .. I doubt you even read my reply as you have just cut and pasted your post as a reply to another post in this thread.

Maybe you should stop living in a fantasy movie world. Everything you have used as an example is derived from film and fiction. In reality this hardly ever happens and when it does is even less likely to last.


What flavor of whine is that?


The finale was reedited when they found out they were canceled. Just to put a sort of ending on it. Even with the ending (which I admit was poor) it was better than half the crap on TV right now. Certainly better than Jane the Virgin or Reign. Both of which were CW and renewed for reasons that had nothing to do with their ratings or whether they were good.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


No it wasn't canceled Lol it was always meant to have one season only. it was always marketed as a "mini series"


No, you are wrong. It was a Limited Series and it was marketed as a Limited Series. That's not the same as a mini series. It was canceled. I read the notice put out by the CW when it happened.

A Limited Series is like Under the Dome. A specialty series that has a "limited" number of episodes per season. If a Limited Series does well it gets renewed. If not it gets canceled. Or not picked up for the following year. Which is the same thing.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


No, it was definitely cancelled and the finale was re-edited to tie things up as best they could. It was never going to be perfect but I thought thy did the best they could under the circumstances.


If only Katie's ashes flew back into his face. THAT would've made for a GREAT ending LOL


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


If only Katie's ashes flew in the air then concentrated and materialized into Katie again. It seems that aliens use their technology to bring her back!


Aliens come in during the final reel to resurrect people . . . now THAT would have been a twist.

"You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves . . . two grown men acting like . . . grown men!!!"


Such a SHlT finale. Vomited several times throughout. A good cut just before it ends would have been to cut to the bodies that haven't been burnt and have one suddenly open their eyes.


WTF is it with Jakes scenes, falls in "love" with someone after 16 days, riiiight


Actually you are quite ignorant. I can see that. You can fall in love, doesn't matter if it is short or long. Most people think it must be long, but that is not always true. Guys usually know. Haven't you seen any other movies? Most romances were not over a year. Look at Cinderella, Ever After was 3 days but it was 24/7 during that time. They really talked, about life, dreams, goals. They usually do in the movies, they get to the details much sooner. It's not a movie, maybe dinner and a movie for 2 years. There's a difference. You didn't vomit. Okay, please. Don't do "love". It CAN BE REAL LOVE. You don't know, clearly. People fall in love when there's adventure. It wasn't a normal life for them. People fall in love when there's adventure. It was not a normal life for them. It wasn't maybe a date here and there. They spent time together in the hospital really getting to know each other. Her talking about her life, her meds. You can fall in love instantly.


What a TROLL
