To all the Otto haters:

You're judging him by normal behavioral standards. I'm not going so far as to call him an Idiot Savant, but he's definitely on the Autism Spectrum, showing definite signs of Asperger’s syndrome.

I was particularly miffed when he tried to deny his sister's relationship to Pritchard, but taken in the context of his condition, it was understandable.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Ok so what do you call essentially torturing and possibly permanently handicapping a teenage girl? He didn't do that for his sister as she was already cured; he did that for immortality. That's not autistic, that's just plain evil. In fact that's one of the most classic bad guy evil plot lines in the history of science fiction. At that point though I'm not even sure you can call him autistic. It's clear he has dreams and desires beyond just keeping his sister alive. For Otto, keeping his sister alive was more like just a means to an end. I think he's just severely narcissistic, and he's such a genius that combined with that narcissism it comes off as autistic. And even if he is autistic, that doesn't preclude him from being evil simultaneously.

By the by, I hate the character, but I think that just means the actor is doing his job splendidly.


Well, the description for tomorrow's episode says Otto struggles with his conscious, so there's that. Hopefully he will do the right thing in the end and save Gracie.
