MovieChat Forums > Divorce (2016) Discussion > She is still Carrie Bradshaw

She is still Carrie Bradshaw

I read Sarah Jessica's an interview and she says ''Divorce is very very different. This is not Carrie Bradshaw. This character never thinks about her shoes''. Nope Sarah. You're still Carrie Bradshaw. I see Carrie every time. Her facial expressions, her walking, her laughing, her anger, her laughing. Looks like Carrie divorced Big and married again :)



I even hear her say some of her lines the same way she said them in SATC. That was my first thought. I can't watch the show anymore. It's terrible.

"Leave the gun. Take the canolis."


I quit after E01


I agree with the poster who said if you go into it with a Carrie mind that's all you'll see, go in expecting different and youll see something different.

I've been a huge SATC fan for years but in now way does Frances remind me of Carrie. (Not currently enjoying the show atm have to say)

The reason I agree is %he Family Stone is one of my favourite Xmas movies, and her character Meredith is NOTHING like Carrie, in fact in some ways, I'd go as far as to say she is the opposite. Stuck up, snobby and uptight. (Though both enjoy their shoes !!)

SJP is no Julia Roberts but she is capable of pulling off more than one role.

**cArNiVaLs oF fAyGo**

reply Julia Roberts.

Julia is also very limited in her range.

SJP is no Cate Blanchett, that is an actress.

SJP is more of a personality, she has some good comic timing, but there really isn't much difference from Carrie Bradshaw.

She has a very limited range.


I'm going to have to disagree with all or almost all you folks. I just don't see Carrie Bradshaw in this role. Yes, she is still SJP and always will be. I'm liking the show the longer it goes on. I think Thomas Haden Church is excellent, and SJP is good. And I think if you stick with the show, you'll gradually stop seeing Carrie Bradshaw. And by the way, Robert is NOT Aidan.

"You'd do all that for a part in a play?"
- Karen Richards to Eve Harrington, "All About Eve"


I thought the same thing. Right before she told Robert "it meant nothing" I knew she was going to say that and she said it just like Carrie did. I half expected her to start saying "you have to forgive me!" like she did to Aiden. I've seen SJP in lots of stuff, even before she was on SATC so I don't go into watching her shows expecting Carrie Bradshaw but she really reminded me of her in this show. Not that it's such a horrible thing but I noticed it too.


I totally disagree. And I happen to be a huge Sex and the City fan. I have seen every episode of every season more times than I'd like to admit---very familiar with Carrie Bradshaw and SJP--- and yes while like most actors they go into a lot of diff characters with similar superficial characteristics-- this is nothing like Carrie Bradshaw. I thought it might be difficult for me not to see Carrie too because I am so obsessed with that show but nope. She's a great actress and while I haven't enjoyed her movies, I think in this she's doing an amazing job, and I would be the first to admit if I agreed.


I think SJP just plays the same role in whatever she is in. It's like David Schwimmer. Whatever role he is in he's always playing the dopey guy.
