Over rated

The visuals are gorgeous, the best hand made animation i have seen to date


Everything else

Not so good looking i am afriad.

The dialouge is heavy and clunky

The characters are stereotypical and mostly flat, any development is brushed aside in favor of the setpeices, which while gorgeous cannot carry a animated movie alone

The Generic script really drags the movie down and most of the voice actors talent is wasted on exposition heavy lines and cliches

Such a shame Laika cant quite get their storytelling as good as their artistic style because this movie is absolutely drop dead stunningly amazing to look at.

Anyone else feel the same way? I just feel it really wasnt fleshed out fully in terms of what should have been done, the ending was flat and abrupt and most of the screentime was focused on everything but character development.

To put things in perspective Coraline, while visually dated has a 10/10 story and even weaker movies like Kung Fu Panda 1 and Mulan have a much more stable and cohesive



You're not the only one who thought that. Already anyone even seen this thing and many like myself wasn't thrilled about it.


Hardly anyone* Stupid iPhone!


It's actually a masterpiece. Not liking it is the sign of someone who just doesn't get its high minded themes.


LOL Suuuuuure! Gone with the wind this film isn't!


Gone With the Wind is not high minded, little one-its pretty straightforward




agree very average, I dont see what the fuss is about


This movie seems very divisive. Peeople seem to be blown away or find it lacking. Looking forward to making my own opinion this week when it comes out on tape.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


To put things in perspective Coraline, while visually dated has a 10/10 story and even weaker movies like Kung Fu Panda 1 and Mulan have a much more stable and cohesive

All of those movies have just a much more linear structure and a clear ending. Coraline is very well told, but we can see the lines clearly (Coraline is dissatisfied with her life and her parents don't pay attention -> She finds a new world reflected her own but improved where she is better appreciated and comes back because of it -> She finds out there is a catch in this dreamworld and she does everything she can to escape it -> The villain is defeated, she learned to appreciate her family and everybody is happy in the end.)

Kubo is very very well told in a different style. I love that kind of storytelling, where we are not just there for the ride, but we are being challenged and we have to think about what is going on before our eyes. The whole movie is about Kubo accepting the death of his parents and to move on, which doesn't mean forget about them but cherish their memories.
This movie is pretty deep, it forces us to go behind the pretty pictures, and everyone can take something different from it.

I like linear story-telling, but it's also interesting to see something different once in while in terms of narration.


In my view Kubo was very linear and had no twists and turns in the storyline. Pretty much a "hero's journey" and nothing behind it. (from Storytelling perspective) Even Boxtrolls or Paranorman were more interesting on a storytelling level.


I have to disagree. I found the characters very engaging and enjoyable. And while the plot is a traditional fetch quest, the beauty of the visuals, the characters, and the music do a wonderful job of being entertaining.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


The plot is not about fetching anything at all. You may want to see it again :)


From seanfinnau:

The visuals are gorgeous, the best hand made animation i have seen to date


Everything else

Not so good looking i am afriad.

The dialouge is heavy and clunky

Can you give examples? Specifically key in on examples of "heavy" and "clunky".

The characters are stereotypical and mostly flat, any development is brushed aside in favor of the setpeices, which while gorgeous cannot carry a animated movie alone

Stereotypical and mostly flat in comparison to what? What makes the characters stereotypical and flat? Examples.

The Generic script really drags the movie down and most of the voice actors talent is wasted on exposition heavy lines and cliches

What makes this script generic? What are you comparing it to that makes this a generic script?

Such a shame Laika cant quite get their storytelling as good as their artistic style because this movie is absolutely drop dead stunningly amazing to look at.

Anyone else feel the same way? I just feel it really wasnt fleshed out fully in terms of what should have been done, the ending was and most of the screentime was focused on everything but character development.

What should've been done? What should've been edited out in order to accomodate the additional character development you required?

To put things in perspective Coraline, while visually dated has a 10/10 story and even weaker movies like Kung Fu Panda 1 and Mulan have a much more stable and cohesive

Saying the story in one movie is better than another is fine because it's purely subjective. What do you mean exactly that those other movies are much more "stable and cohesive"?

"You don't like Beethoven."



I agree 100%. The dialogue was clunky and not funny at all. Kubo was a bit bratty. The ending was just odd.


Saying the dialogue wasn't funny and the ending was odd is probably pretty typical of people who just didn't get it. Its a masterpiece because its not like other animated movies. Its for adults.


If I don't love the movie, why do you assume I "just didn't get it"? I adore animated films that are geared toward adults in the way they tackle mature subjects. I also hate slapstick humor and predictable plots. HOWEVER, I still did not think Kubo and the Two Strings was "a masterpiece"...the dialogue was weak overall, the characters underdeveloped, and the parts meant to be funny just fell flat. The ending with Kubo creating a power shield with family memories as well as turning his grandfather into a mortal amnesiac was most definitely odd! These are my opinions and it sounds like a lot of other people feel the same way.


My God, you people. Both you norman, and sandman-27 have some serious problems with taking critic and respecting opinion of others. And i mean real problems, that will undoubtedly wage on your future. The case of you, norman is pretty simple and common, whole of your line that i'm reffering to is an example of kid, who just turned 18, and think that he's some sort of leader of a cult, that understood the unknown, and rest of the world is blind.
"Its a masterpiece because its not like other animated movies. Its for adults."
- ... ha ha, my jaw is on the floor :P man, and what do you know about this subject? Don't embaress yourself.
Case of sandman-27 is somehow diffrent. It's about a person with a potential, but overegoed. Ego to the moon, one would say - but what's behind few fancy words, is empty and uneducated nothigness. Sandman, your agression toward others, demand for answering your flood of meaningless questions disgust me. Believe and mark my words, although you think you're clever - oh boy, you're to discover some shocking news in future - there are hundreds way smarter, and mostly these are the people that know when to shut up.
And the movie was alright imo, wonderful visuals, but lack of depth in narration. Am i like the 50th fella to make that statement? That mean we are many! Deal with that.


Slow down there, tard, youre going off the deep end!
No one has to respect ill formed opinions and they certainly don't affect one's future.
The movie is a masterpiece per all critics who do this for a living-you think theyre ALL wrong about this film?
Ive seen pretty much every animated film in creation so my opinions are well formed.
Pick your jaw up off the floor, little boy-its a silly expression. Surely you arent shocked by someone expressing an educated opinion about a subject are you? Are you "new"?
Nope, moron, you're about the eighth person on here who thinks "depth in narration" means something, but counter that with 100s of critcis who know better than you who think conversely-your opinion is meaningless...
Now off the high horse-who cares what you think?


You are way out of your league here, man-child.
First of all, what darn critics? As far as every company states, they're making movies for consumers - and if every second subject on this forum is a about a bit dissapointment, it's clear that movie doesn't met high expectations.
Second of all, you see what you want to see - there are critics that praised the movie, and there are others with same dillemas as hell lot of people in here. Guardian gave it 4/10, and damn... most respected critics doesn't even bother with giving straightforward answers and stars about so subjective matter.
The problem here is not with you giving it i assume 11/10, and praising it to heaven - as far as i'm concerned it's a good thing, the movie catched you, nothing bad with that. Problem is that you're so offensive toward the people with other opinion, claiming that they (lol) don't get the movie... it's making you look ridiculous to the levels, you can't even imagine. Man-child what's here to get? The story is straightforward as one can be, with a quest of finding yourself, that was made in this industry thousands of times. 14 yo brat wouldn't had any problem at all with understanding its mesage. And it's not a bad thing, it's an animation after all - problem is you, forcing yourself and others to give it a meaning that it really lacked.
And funny thing, i didnt really dislike the movie, i only dislike you. Man i'm writing here not for you to care about it, who do you think you are? It's merely a response at your ignorance - you're annoying little fly, and need to deal with the fact. But well internets - they're made for cowards...


Ok, calm down, bitch tiits.
It has a 97% on RT (hint-out of 184 critics ONLY 5 said they didn't like it)-do you feel dumb now?
That is an EXCEPTIONAL rating.
Im not gonna be polite to morons. If someone bashes a movie that almost every learned critic says is great and I agree with them, Im not gonna be kind!! Its obviously a matter of ill -formed opinion or bad taste-either way, I don't have to be nice about it!!
Why on earth would I care how I look to people I consider idiots?? that's absurd!!
Man-Child? Youre not using that phrase correctly. Im definitely a grown up.
Im in production., I make movies. My opinion on them is well formed and reasoned over decades now. I dont need to waste time trying to convince less learned people to grow some taste! ESPECIALLY If they are bashing an indisputably well done movie!
Maybe take the time to see what movies these jokers consider good? Fast and the Furious? Transformers? REALLY?
Im no coward, dumb asss-this is my real name. What's yours? Id say anything on here to anyone's face. Why on earth would I be afraid of anyone? Especially imbeciles with bad tastes in movies.
Hint-its hardly your job to monitor people on IMDB. Maybe STFU and mind your own business? Just a suggestion.


I don't how old are you, but you're definetely no grown up. Use more explanation marks and brag about yourself, just to prove my point. And don't give me that lousy rotten tomatos crap, because if i was to review down there i would also gave it a positive review, which would be still lacking in some aspects. So it proves nothing. Your accusations of "bashing" a movie, for merely stating few weaker points, proves you're delusional, from here up to the moon, aggresive man-child. I won't give you any more names, i'm tired of you. Don't bother replying, i won't be reading your crap this time.


You don't get to review on RT unless youre a real critic, dumdum.
It does actually prove its good. Very very few movies get a 97% (less than 5% of movies actually)
These are professional movie reviewers. They do this for a living.
Of course I have to reply, little man.
Now go away-youre boring and that's worse than stupid


It's folks like you two who killed these message boards. Congratulations.

"R.I.P. IMDb message boards." - Me, 2017


oh quiet down, douche. Theres many factor involved in why theyre taking these boards down.
Nothing wrong with passion-try it-its actually fun
