Excellent film.

I was expecting much less because of the low imdb rating, but hell it was good. Great accting, really like Caleb's monologue before dying, amazingly disturbing and well performed. Am i aloud to say that people who call this "trash" don't know shit about good cinema and are tasteless little whiners? Go watch the Saw movies or something.


Yeah, I also don't understand its critics. Quite an exceptional film, in my opinion. But I think you're right: expectations for the "horror" genre are unfortunately geared toward gore and shock, and viewers in general seem less interested in filmmakers who are a little more nuanced and deliberate in their craft.


not really


Whether this movie is good or bad depends on how you went into it at the beginning. I wouldn't label this movie as horror at all and anyone expecting jumpscares, a constant feeling of uneasiness and dread, or just outright gore are going to be disappointed. This movie is best described as a thriller/drama because the focus of the movie is more psychological (keeping you thinking "Is she a witch?", "Is there another witch whose spells she's getting blamed for?", or "Is there something else going on that's not supernatural?") than horror were you would be more focused on bracing yourself for jumpscares, dreading seeing the witch/ghost/etc. I personally think I would have liked it more had I gone into it expecting a thiller and been in the mood for that type of movie.


I enjoyed the film a lot, and it stayed with me much more than I expected. I think it was (spoilers) the scene at the end as Black Phillip revealed himself that really got me the most. When he asked if she would like a pretty dress and the taste of butter, it hit me very hard how if a person is deprived of what may seem like simple luxuries, it can lead them to feel deprived; and that deprivation can lead them to make choices that ultimately lead to a much bigger problem. I know, that's presuming that signing your name in Satan's book is a big problem, but let's say that it is. :-)

It's also interesting to think about how the family was weaker and more vulnerable to the systematic attack. They were isolated because of the father's pride and insistence on his interpretation of their beliefs. As a result, they had fewer resources, had to struggle to make ends meet, and the son didn't have a healthy way to grow into his sexuality. It's been a while since I watched, but I believe he was stealing glances at his sister, and even the mother was suspicious. It's easy to fall victim to suspicion and guilt when you're isolated and under stress.

And, y'know, your goat is really Satan in disguise, lol.
