Very unrealistic

No offence but the mother and father arnt in anyway good looking, especially the mother and they have a gorgeous daughter like that. Just seems very unrealistic, they should of either got an uglier daughter or better looking parents lol. I couldn't take it seriously and was genuinely laughing for most of the film, the way they spoke didn't help lmao.


I hope you're not serious with this thread.


Yeah. They should remake it.

Taylor Swift. Selena Gomez. Zac Effron. All rockin' out, high fiving. Fck yeah!


That's the only thing of note? really that's too funny.


What? I wasn't reviewing the flipping film, its just something I thought was weird.


Oh, you were serious....


If you were serious, then you should "flipping" grow up. By your logic, your parents are probably PhDs in physics.

I'd hate to take a bite outta you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.


Sometimes it's best to keep your thought's to yourself.


The mother is so ugly, as in Game of thrones she was, but here she's even worse!

Edit: Now, don't tell me there weren't any likable characters in that period.


Burn her!


She's ugly but she played her part very well


She is not the daughhter of her mother you know....I heard that she was born from an auntie....;)

You don't have to be good all the time.....only when it matters


OP obviously hasn't grown up yet or lived long enough to see young "good looking" people grow old and become "ugly" people.

The only unrealistic thing would have been to have the old people be good looking. So many good looking old people are just former ugly people who paid a lot of money to become good looking.

In other words, when you get ready to marry, take a good look at your significant other's parents. That is how they'll look later, more often than not.


To think the future of the world is in the hands of idiots like you makes me shudder.


I don't think any flattering makeup or lighting effects were used on the mother and father, and that amounts to a good film making decision imo. The parents are supposed to look haggard. Remember, they're on the edge of starvation with 5 mouths to feed, newly exiled to the wild of a strange land, and have no help, nothing to rely on except themselves and their flagging faith. The strain must be incredible. Oooh bROther they'd better look ugly...we all would.
As for Thomasin not resembling their supposed ugliness, well...we all know that human genes are more complex than simply guaranteeing beautiful children to beautiful moms and dads. google the parents of supermodels or something and you'll probably see that they dont look supermodel-like.

Side note: Kate Dickie looks even thinner in this picture than she did in Game of Thrones. I don't know if that was a conscious decision, and I don't envy actors who manipulate their weight for roles, but maan oh man for a character who has lost all appetite because of extreme grief, she looks the part.
