MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > Like grimes plays an ex seal?

Like grimes plays an ex seal?

He’s a good actor. I just can’t get behind the whole navy seal past.
They have shown him get his butt kicked in almost every fist fight so far.
2 male nurses in the hospital restrain him with ease. Rip takes him down easily.
I guess my point is the fight choreography could be a lot better and his movement more realistic. I think they meant to focus more on the story. I just can’t get behind the ex navy seal but keeps getting beat up so easily.
Now I’m only 7 episodes in. Hopefully it gets better.


I think it is something they have forgotten about him, it has not been mentioned or referenced at all since the first season as far as I remember. I just read you are just 7 eps in but yes I do agree he is a very average trained warrior. Most of those guys don't even have to fight the attitude they give off just makes people back away.

Also, most Vets have some kind of memorabilia around, he has nothing. Kind of trivial but just goes to prove it more that the writers have forgotten.


I met a green berret last year. He was maybe 5,9. 160 lbs. he didn’t look like much. In fact he was quite funny and humble. I only found out what he did for a living after meeting him from other people.
However, I have no doubt that man could tear some people up if he needed too.

A buddy of mine met jet li almost 10 years ago. Similar story.
Said he was very funny and made jokes the whole night. If you didn’t know what he was famous for, you would not think of him as a bad ass.
So iv lost many misconceptions about how tough a guy is by looking at them.
I just can’t deal with the terrible fight seems in the show from a supposedly seal, who are the baddest warriors on the planet.


Yeah, I knew an ex Marine who was the same. Looking at him you wouldn't think anything of him. This guy was in Iraq though he had seen combat, he had killed people.

Lots of inconsistencies in the show at times and a lack of continuity which is a shame because overall it is a great show.
