MovieChat Forums > The Defenders (2017) Discussion > another disappointment by marvel.

another disappointment by marvel.

I don't know if anyone else is annoyed but really this sounds like a big bag of suck. Half the characters were never defenders and the other half were heroes for hire that worked for the cash. And its not the defenders without Dr. Strange or at least at the helm. Why not call it something else and save that name for an actual defenders story. Geeze when are the studio execs gonna realize we who read comics won't watch or like the crap they peddle and will nerd slap anyone who says its good. That said dead pool gets a passing grade but only barely.


Really . . I Think You Are High On Your Own Feet Smell . . .


"That said dead pool gets a passing grade but only barely."

That statement alone washes away any geek credibility you could possibly have. So either obvious troll or not someone who matters anyway...

In any case Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist have all been members of the Defenders in the comics.


No Hulk, no Namor, no Surfer, no Strange, no Valkyrie, no Nighthawk?!? .....NO DEFENDERS.

The flat-brimmed baseball cap is the modern-day dunce cap.


Got to be a troll. The Netflix series have been the biggest and most popular superhero shows of all time. They seriously as popular as the movies.

No one cares if it's not exactly like the comics. If you're still on that at this stage of the game then something is wrong.

Not one movie has stayed true to comics and nearly all of them have been hugely successful and set new records.


Many of us care that it's not like the comics. That's why were aren't tuning in.

Dr. Strange, Hulk, and Namor were the original Defenders with Silver Surfer and Valkyrie quickly added.

This is just Netflix's excuse to cut down on the special effects and add more women and minorities that are simply non-super powered humans who just fight other non-super humans. It's like a cop show with a few frills.

Should've named it something else, rather than try to draw on the name and jumble the lineup. Alternate universe is another laughable excuse. "Oh yeah, these guys exist in another universe too, and they're different!"

I'll be skipping this one.

Reeboot and re-imagine are just silly euphemistic excuses for the dirty word remake.


Honestly, that's pretty self-centered of you: "It's not the team that I remember from the comics, so it's not worth watching!"

It's a name, and the concept behind that name--the really important thing from the comics--is that it's a team but it's not a team. They're not going to hang out together like the Avengers (or even the Defenders in the comics, eventually), but are going to be thrown together to handle a specific problem, the same way the Defenders originally are in the comics.

From what I can gather of your description of the Netflix shows, you haven't watched ten minutes of any of them.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


I'm also annoyed, but who is to say that they will not make appearances? Membership does not necessarily mean constant attendance. I can just see these gritty characters wondering where the Hulk got off to and why does the The Surfer spend so much time in space. Strange, Hulk and the Mariner always seemed ill matched to begin with and that's why there are so many charter members and members from other teams. I agree with the sentiment, and you are definitely not a troll(idiots seem to glom onto the term too readily these days), but if you want to claim geek-dom over a subject, please reminisce more expertly.


Hahahaha! These wannabe comic fans here, are so laughable. Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage, are members of The Defenders in the Comics. And why should they choose Dr. Strange, Hulk, Namor and Silver Surfer? Dont you wannabes know, that Comicbook Teams often changes? How about Avengers? Nobody cares about that Ant-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and Wasp are not the founding members in the movie.


You're preaching to the choir here. With that kind of banter, you should reply to someone who disagrees with you. I think everyone here has a point, but no one is 100% correct. Some of your points are ingenuous and obtuse to the subject of Marvel tenets. How do you wannabe? Marvel sans Stan Lee has become a pander to the current market because money trumps art. Give the public what they want. Nick Fury is a token to the market not to the race. Luke Cage wasn't popular enough. Nor was the Black Panther. Green is the prevailing color. I predict Cumberbatch will make an appearance eventually. Not to be true to the page, but because it will make ratings. It's not like they don't want to attract everyone.


Stick to the comic books. The MCU was never going to be exactly the same. I'm really looking forward to this. I've seen all the Netflix shows so far have enjoyed all of them.


it's not even out yet, you big bag of suck, go cry on hollywoodbitch slap or write something better, assclown


Ok, what would you do differently? What's your target audience? Comic book fans?
