MovieChat Forums > The Gift (2015) Discussion > So, Ladies...would you date Gordo? Simo...

So, Ladies...would you date Gordo? Simon?

A question for the ladies.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.



No and no.

The choice between Mr. Overbearing and Mr. Weirdly Walk on Me.

Both would strike me as bad kissers.


No to both; in looks and personality. Simon's look was too preppy and he is the spitting image of an abusive partner (someone who's charming when he wants to be but turns into a huge jerk when things don't go his way). Gordo seems like his social awkwardness would be kind of cute at first, but later it would come off as a little creepy. He seems like the type that would stalk you and beg you to take him back after you broke up with him.

Now if we were going on the actors in real life... Joel Edgerton easily. He is one attractive man. They did a really good job at uglying him up for the part of Gordo. I guess that was kind of needed though.


"No to both; in looks and personality. Simon's look was too preppy and he is the spitting image of an abusive partner (someone who's charming when he wants to be but turns into a huge jerk when things don't go his way). Gordo seems like his social awkwardness would be kind of cute at first, but later it would come off as a little creepy. He seems like the type that would stalk you and beg you to take him back after you broke up with him. "


I hated Jaws, it had too much shark, and dont get me started about King Kong, waaay too much gorilla


Simon was a cocky jerk so NO.
I didn't like how Gordo didn't respect people's boundaries so NO.


So, Ladies...would you date Gordo? Simon?

neither, because they both have sociopathic personality traits. simon is a habitual liar who lacks empathy and manipulates others for his own ends. gordon is exactly the same, but also drugs and assaults women.


I would date both until the truth came out.
Simon is charming and attractive so why not until his personality quirks are uncovered. Gordo is the underdog that I would feel empathy for, until I realized he was damaged, so I'd be his friend. Simon would be a total break.


If I knew Gordo drugged Robyn no way would I be his friend, but agreed I could see myself being charmed by both of them until I found out the truth...


It's never confirmed that Gordo drugged Robyn, since she did borrow the drugs from her friend's cabinet. Regardless, I would forgive him as a friend to try to get him help. What are friends for? He was the original victim, so I would not blame the victim.


Spoiler pics below.

Regardless though, Gordo would have to be the luckiest SOB in the world if Robin knocked herself out right as he was at the house and as he was filming her. As someone who has been prone to fainting my whole life, you can be knocked out for an hour or not even a full minute, it all depends. Gordo would be playing Russian roulette with Robin, she may have woken up as he was sitting on her or picking her up. Robin also said that she didn't take the pills the day she fainted, and I think she is more trustworthy than Gordo (despite me favoring him over Simon).


Regardless though, Gordo would have to be the luckiest SOB in the world if Robin knocked herself out right as he was at the house and as he was filming her.

Not really.

Gordo was watching their movements like a hawk, remember.
If Robyn was in the habit of indulging a little occasionally, Gordo would know her schedule and prepare to take advantage of the situation next time Robyn was drugged.

I know, it's not the nicest thing in the world, but I do remember as damaged as he has become, he was the victim at one point which made him become like this.
I don't blame the victim, especially not one so damaged.

As someone who has been prone to fainting my whole life, you can be knocked out for an hour or not even a full minute, it all depends.

Still unclear that Gordo not Robyn caused it.
Even so, Simon did worse and caused Gordo's break down.


Whether you condone Gordo drugging her or not, that's your opinion. My point is that it's pretty obvious that Gordo was the one who drugged her. As you mentioned, he watched her like a hawk. He knew her routine: wake up, jog, drink Gatorade. That way, he could ensure to capture her fall on camera; and that's just what happened. Robin took a swig of Gatorade and collapsed moments later. If Robin was the one who knocked herself out, Gordo would be playing with a loaded gun since he had no idea how long she'd be passed out for. He had to make sure she was "out like a light" so he could do the deed of filming the video without worrying about her waking up in the midst of it. Robin also confirmed that "yes she had stolen the pills" but "no she didn't take them" the day of her fall. If you really look closely too, you'll see that the amount of pills remained the same from the time Robin took the one we saw her take to Simon laying them out on the table. Plus the alternate ending confirms that Gordo was the one who drugged her. It's not a different ending/result, it's just an idea Edgerton decided to scrap because he didn't want to shift the film from Simon's point of view.


My point is that it's pretty obvious that Gordo was the one who drugged her.

The reality is it's NOT obvious at all.
The reality is that it's obvious to YOU.

It's not obvious Gordo drugged her since it wasn't shown and there are alternatives such as Robyn as a recovered drug addict borrowing drugs from her friend could've easily drugged herself.

That's the unbiased reality. Smoke and mirrors.
It wasn't shown Gordo did it so we're assuming he may have. He also may not have.

Like I said Gordo was watching/stalking them anyway. He knew Robyn's movements and habit of self-medicating so it wouldn't be hard for him to have his camera ready and start filming when she's out.

There's no proof Gordo is the one who drugged Robyn as she self-medicated often and Gordo would know this and be ready with his camera when the opportunity arose.

I agree that being drugged for any reason is horrible, and I clearly would not recommend it.
In this instance, I would forgive Gordo because he is a sick individual, and due to the direct actions of my husband. So, yes I as Robyn would forgive him and help him out as a fellow abused victim myself.

Simon is the unforgivable one who started the cycle of victimization and he did it intentionally and continues to which damages numerous individuals. IRL, I'm sure I might be less forgiving and kind but I would try to remember Gordo is the original victim who's let it destroy him.


The reality is it's NOT obvious at all.
The reality is that it's obvious to YOU.

I'm just using clues that the movie gives us, and the answer the alt ending blatantly gives us. I didn't just pull this theory out of thin air.

There's no proof Gordo is the one who drugged Robyn as she self-medicated often and Gordo would know this and be ready with his camera when the opportunity arose.

Yes there is. Robin confirmed she didn't take the pills the day she fainted. And there was still the same amount of pills from the time she took the one that we saw her take and from the time Simon put them out on the table to confront her about it. Even if Gordo conveniently was right there when she fainted on her own, he's not a psychic, he wouldn't know if she'd wake up as he was straddling her or at any random time, that'd be too risky for him. Gordo shook the Gatorade bottle at the camera in the video he made for Simon AND Edgerton basically confirmed Gordo drugged Robin... with the alternate ending and his bluray/DVD commentary.


Yes there is. Robin confirmed she didn't take the pills the day she fainted. And there was still the same amount of pills from the time she took the one that we saw her take and from the time Simon put them out on the table to confront her about it.

When did she confirm she didn't take the pills?
If you mean Simon, she was not going to tell him if she took some pills.
As I said, it wasn't shown that Gordo did it so it's an assumption which doesn't turn me 100% against him anyway. So the argument is moot on numerous levels.

Even if Gordo conveniently was right there when she fainted on her own, he's not a psychic, he wouldn't know if she'd wake up as he was straddling her or at any random time, that'd be too risky for him.

Hmm, you finally get it.
He knew she was in the habit of self-medicating and being out for hours so why should this day be any different? Of course he would be waiting with his camera. Who knows how many times, he's been there with the camera waiting for her to self-medicate.
He took a chance, this is what Gordo does.

Why is this suddenly surprising because it goes against your narrative of Gordo as the druggist?

Gordo shook the Gatorade bottle at the camera in the video

What does that prove since Robyn didn't seem to drink that Gatorade anyway which spilled all over the floor. So that argument's shot.
But Gordo might use the bottle as a prop t screw with Simon's mind and why not?

What did Edgerton confirm in the alt ending?
Like I said, whether he drugged her or she drugged herself, I can still forgive him if he was sorry about doing it.

I just don't believe it was proved Gordo was the druggist.


What did Edgerton confirm in the alternate ending? Since you asked I won't post a spoiler alert. It actually shows him spiking Robin's drink (see pics below). Edgerton said he didn't include that in the film because he didn't want to shift the film to Gordo's point of view since it was based on Simon and Robin's point of view.

Robin did confirm that she didn't take the pills the day she fainted, this is proven when you look at the amount of pills from when she stole them, took one and when Simon showed them to her. Even Robin seemed puzzled and troubled as to why she fainted, so that tells us that fainting spells weren't a daily occurrence for her, at least not in the new house.

And yes, Robin took a big swig of the Gatorade right before she fainted.


What did Edgerton confirm in the alternate ending? Since you asked I won't post a spoiler alert. It actually shows him spiking Robin's drink (see pics below). Edgerton said he didn't include that in the film because he didn't want to shift the film to Gordo's point of view since it was based on Simon and Robin's point of view.

That doesn't prove he followed through since Edgerton didn't include it.
For argument's sake, if he did drug Robyn that's pretty bad. He should pay for that, but so should Simon for ruining his life, and damaging him this much.

Robin did confirm that she didn't take the pills the day she fainted, this is proven when you look at the amount of pills from when she stole them, took one and when Simon showed them to her. Even Robin seemed puzzled and troubled as to why she fainted, so that tells us that fainting spells weren't a daily occurrence for her, at least not in the new house.

And yes, Robin took a big swig of the Gatorade right before she fainted.

We didn't count the original bottle VS the actual bottle so can't say for sure.
That's simple, like I said, that Gordo would act like he drugged her even if he didn't. That was the point of pretending he raped her, so him shaking the bottle to rattle Simon doesn't prove he drugged her.

But even if he did, it's not like he did it to take advantage of her, but only to pretend he did.

like I said, Gordo is very damaged. He's not a normal person but he's damaged because he is the original victim so I feel for that.


That doesn't prove he followed through since Edgerton didn't include it.
For argument's sake, if he did drug Robyn that's pretty bad. He should pay for that, but so should Simon for ruining his life, and damaging him this much.

Yes, but on the commentary Edgerton pretty much said "this is what happened. I included this on the features because you get to see from Gordo's point of view. But we decided to cut it because I wanted the film to be about Simon's and Robin's point of view only." And as I mentioned, I'm not really debating whether or not I or you should condone what Gordo did, I'm more just saying the reason's why I think he drugged her.

Anyway, you have a solid argument but I stand by what I say. I don't want to flood this particular thread anymore since this has gone way off topic. Feel free to message me if you want to keep this debate up. (p.s. thanks for keeping this debate respectful).



And as I mentioned, I'm not really debating whether or not I or you should condone what Gordo did, I'm more just saying the reason's why I think he drugged her.

I understand your reasoning, but as I said I disagree as it wasn't shown unequivocally.
I just feel Simon is to blame ultimately if he had drugged Robyn because his damage of Robyn is what pushed him to such desperation.

Anyway, you have a solid argument but I stand by what I say. I don't want to flood this particular thread anymore since this has gone way off topic. Feel free to message me if you want to keep this debate up. (p.s. thanks for keeping this debate respectful).

Thank you as well.
They're no real characters, I'm glad you get that too.

But they can be seen as proxies for some on how we forgive and judge others though.
That's the part where we may take it personally, but I agree we all judge differently because we are flawed human beings. Our judgments are NOT perfect, far from it, right? Lol.


No we don't see him lace the drink, but we saw her take one tablet and then she threw the rest out. He drugged her, and that is why he filmed that soft drink bottle. I would consider that despicable and unforgivable. I doubt he would want help because he did not show remorse for his actions. Personally I would not waste my time trying to help him.


No we don't see him lace the drink, but we saw her take one tablet and then she threw the rest out. He drugged her, and that is why he filmed that soft drink bottle.

That's a convenient assumption since we don't see Gordo drug her
But we saw Robyn borrow drugs from a friend.
So, the events are unclear so we give Gordo the benefit of the doubt to be fair instead o condemning.

I would consider that despicable and unforgivable.

Compassionate and judgemental much?
Gordo is a damaged victim himself not a normal person.
What's unforgivable is what Simon did to him since he doesn't even regret it or feel sorry for his actions which he continues still in abusing others.

If Simon ever asked for true forgiveness, I would forgive him too.
To forgive is divine.

I would help him as the victim he is, and be his friend as Robyn did.
AS the original victim I would feel for him, help him.

If he refused my help, or continued I might end our friendship. But he'd have to prove he's beyond hope, because in the end Gordo is the original victim who's now acting out due to his previous abuse. I won't forget that and give charming Simon a pass.

I doubt he would want help because he did not show remorse for his actions. Personally I would not waste my time trying to help him.

That is untrue.
It was never proved if he did it, so how could he show remorse for something we can't be certain he did. If Gordo did do it, it was part of his plan to get to Simon, not something he did for fun like Simon destroyed Gordo's life when he was a child for fun, and still continues to do the same to others.
Simon has shown no remorse, not Gordo.
If he did it, I'm sure he would be remorseful.

Gordo is damaged and all due to Simon's proven action, not assumed actions.
So, yeah I feel for Gordo even if he's the original victim, and socially awkward.


I did not finish reading your reply. I could not get past the irony of you accusing me of being judgemental, while at the same time you say I lack compassion, even though you don't know me at all. Instead of resorting.g to personalised insults you would do better to accept that watching a film is a subjective experience, and thus open to interpretation. Feel free to respond if you want but I won't be reading it I'm afraid as I'm not interested in exchanging views with people who become angry and insulting because someone disagrees with them.


I did not finish reading your reply.

Hmm, that seems like a pattern.
Now replying to posts you haven't completely read, and making assumptions people are guilty of things you haven't seen? 

I did not finish reading your reply. I could not get past the irony of you accusing me of being judgemental, while at the same time you say I lack compassion, even though you don't know me at all.

You did it again, irony and all.

I didn't accuse you of being judgmental.
I stated the truth that your convenient assumptions about Gordo being the drug fiend was a judgmental statement which it is since there's no absolute proof that Gordo did it.

Like you said, I don't know you so I can't say you as a person are judgmental BUT the assumptive analysis that Gordo did it just because seems judgmental.

I didn't say YOU personally are judgemental or you personally lack compassion but the words on blaming the victim (If said victim becomes a monster themselves) does not suggest compassion imo. But, again, I don't know you so it's not about you but the opinions stated in your posts.

I argue against your arguments NOT against you.
Apologies if that was made unclear.

Feel free to respond if you want but I won't be reading it I'm afraid as I'm not interested in exchanging views with people who become angry and insulting because someone disagrees with them.

Still making assumptions, heh? It's almost a pattern now.

FTR, I'm not angry or insulting.
Since when is stating that an unsupported opinion seems biased or judgmental an insult or a sign of anger? Ok, whatever.
I did not insult you, so not sure why all these accusations that I did. Show me ONE insulting comment towards you? I'll wait?


No we don't see him lace the drink,

Exactly. So unproved.

but we saw her take one tablet and then she threw the rest out.

Exactly, we saw her take a tablet that she had borrowed from her friend. Nothing from Gordo's end.

He drugged her, and that is why he filmed that soft drink bottle. I would consider that despicable and unforgivable. I doubt he would want help because he did not show remorse for his actions. Personally I would not waste my time trying to help him.

Again, assumptive on Gordo drugging her.
Funny that what you find despicable is Gordo reacting as a victim of abuse himself NOT his abuser's actions that drove him to this?
Nice selective blame on what's despicable to you. I'll pass. Gordo's the original victim therefor worthy of forgiveness.

How do you know he showed no remorse since it was never proved he did it.
Simon however has shown NO remorse and continues to abuse.
Right, sure. Cheers on the selective bashing.

imo this is the typical playbook of blaming the victim to shield the actual abuser, Simon of responsibility.
This is Western civilization "blame the victim" 101 playbook. The proof is nowhere do you tow even try to hold Simon responsible or even mention him. It's all about trying to blame the original victim, Gordo for temporary misdeeds that he isn't even proved to have committed while exonerating, by omission, the actual abuser for evil deeds of permanent consequences that HE (Simon) is proved to have committed.

Nice try, but I never blame the victim, especially without proof.
I blame the actual abuser here, Simon. I don't care if he's attractive, he's still evil.


Good god is a psycho and the other is a jerk. I'll take Robyn if I have to choose.


I'd rather date Jangles.
