MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Five needs a love story!!

Five needs a love story!!

Ok, but seriously, why haven't they given five a guy yet?! That would be SO perfect if they found a guy around Five's age on a station or planet or something that became part of the crew, and five and he fell in love! Does anyone else think this?! It would be so awesome too because five is like super nice and deserves someone who can treat her as nicely as she treats others!! Any thoughts???


The only way I would see this working is if they introduced an old friend from before she lost her memories. Maybe he's a fellow Hacker. IF they went that route, they shouldn't be immediately engorged in one another but perhaps competitive.(Trying to prove who the better hacker is). He helps the crew on a mission or two and reveals some more of FIVE's story but doesn't become a series regular. He would be more like Commander Truffault as a reoccurring character only showing up for plot purposes to help the crew out of certain situations.

The problem with this though is that, the above mentioned scenario was already explored with THREE for most part.

All in all though, I don't see FIVE having a romance being a central part of the show itself and only a minor character arc for her personally that would (For the fans) end in a wedding for her by the time the series ends.


Which brings me back to my earlier point. Why can't she just get laid like the rest of the crew, including apparently the Android does.

Even in High School teenager slasher movies there is nudity and sex. Apparently Five is asexual or androgenous?


It looked like her and the doctor were connecting a bit, but she's suppose to be like 16, so that might be awkward with the others - maybe someone from Four's planet.


She seemed to have a thing for the doctor, but they never went anywhere with that.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


Who said it needs to be a guy? I wouldn't mind seeing Five get a love interest but at the moment I think it is way too early for things like that and they should wait until the later seasons depending on how many seasons Dark Matter goes for. I think Two should get another love interest before Five.


Fun Fact of the Day: Debbie loves emoticons of cute animals and thinks IMDB needs to add some more. 🐨🐒🐣🐇🐭🐧🐬🐈🐕 🐎🐁🐖


Nope .. this show is what it is and I prefer it to stay this way. A teenage teeny bopper romance would certainly ruin this show for good!

5's character is good and likeble because that is HER character and it fit perfectly with the theme and team. To introduce a romance angle into her character would not fir the narrative and destroy the show.


I agree which is why I say why can't she just get laid like the other crew members do without any long term romantic entanglement.


I was hoping she would have a one night stand with Commander Truffault.
