A subtle gay agenda

1) Our 'doomsday' 5 years later has a gay man saying how he's managed to start dating again (such bad dialogue), and strangely, a man from the 1940s giving advice! But it's okay, a glimmer of hope, he had the dessert.

2) Captain America's ass being discussed. I felt like I had accidentally walked into a gay bar where men would talk about Chris Evan's butt being Americas butt.


Number 1 didn't phase me at all. Gay men date, just like straight men and women. No biggie there.
Number 2 never occurred to me. I think you're overthinking that part. That whole banter about Cap's ass was from an exchange between Tony and Scott when Tony made a disparaging remark about how Cap's ass looked in his suit. Since Scott Lang is a big Captain America fan, he defended Cap with the best line he could muster "That's America's ass!" It was just a fun, harmless exchange, although it could have been an inside joke the writers inserted to take shots at "no ass" Captain Marvel.

Just saying.
