Questions 67 & 68

Just wondering, with the need for all hands on deck, where was the Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer, The Inhumans and The X-Men. I would think that Jean Grey as The Phoenix would have been able to really do a number on Thanos. I would also think with the fate of the known Universe on the line, a number of villains would lend a hand. Magneto, Doctor Doom etc. Finally, what about Galactus? Is he more or less powerful that Thanos? In this case is he a friend or foe?


You do know that Fox owned the movie rights to the FF, their ancillary characters and the X-Men and THEIR ancillary characters, right? So, there were no FF characters, no Surfer, no X-Men and so on IN the MCU.

Luckily that's changing in a week when the Disney acquisition of Fox is finalized.
