
they have such AMAZING chemistry and I really loved this movie a lot !! Its like OK I'm so ready for the next one, but I don't want their movies to EVER end! Their character's spark is so freaking NATURAL that I think they should just make a regular television series instead of movies. But hey, I will take what I can get for now, I guess.


Agreed...I just love them together!


Agreed, but... och, Oliver and Shane next door... the hell are those two waiting for, 2116? LOL

Also, Ross and Price reminded me so much about Castle and Beckett I almost shouted "Caskett" when they walk together... XDDD


They are good together. And the series has proved to be enduring. They've released the fifth one now. The latest is 'Roux the Day' which retains the cooking pun titles of the series.
