MovieChat Forums > Between (2015) Discussion > Weekly Netflix Episodes Will Kill the Co...

Weekly Netflix Episodes Will Kill the Company.

I noticed that this show is going to be weekly. For netflix originals this is disastrous. It goes against the biggest appeal of Netflix's original content. Some shows start weak or without depth. There is no exception here. Often times shows that don't start well eventually can ramp up into something good. This show started in such a way that it needed more episodes attached to it. Quite frankly, if this is a glimpse into the future of Netflix, then, rightfully so, the company will die.


If people want to watch the show in it's entirety, just wait until the first season is done then watch it.
It's not going to make or break Netflix. I don't know why anyone would even think that.


I agree!

I don't understand what the fuss is all about.

If you want to binge watch it...what difference does it make if the show is uploaded after it has aired the complete season or if you just ignore it until every ep has been uploaded? I don't get it.

The way I see it this is actually a sweet deal. Those who don't want to wait can watch weekly and those who want to binge can watch it once the season is done. (Probably still earlier than usually)

Win-Win for everyone


People just like to have something to be upset about.


if this is a glimpse into the future of Netflix, then, rightfully so, the company will die.

While I agree this takes away one of the great features of watching an entire season of a Netflix Original series on a bing . . . I think it is a bit over-dramatic to say the company will die.

Don't forget the company has been around for close to a decade before the started any original programming. Besides, they still have a lot of TRULY original series that you can watch all at once.

Plus, as others have said already, they are doing this based on the contract they signed. They wanted the ability to air the shows on Netflix while the show was broadcast in Canada. This really isn't any different than staying in a hotel and getting the chance to watch an in-room movie of a movie that is still in the theatres. Or paying to get a movie on demand that is still in the theatres.

They are just trying it out. If you want to wait to get all of the episodes at once, then wait until the end of the season in Canada. If they sign the deal they did, the we would have just waited until the end of the summer to get these shows like we would any other series on Netflix. I hardly think this is the end of the world for any of us . . . or for Netflix.


I think the OP doesn't really understand the economics involved. Kill the company? Very very unlikely.



I like the weekly episode. Then I can come on imdb each week and see what people are saying and thinking. When it is binge watching I don't want to come on imdb until I have seen all episodes.

I wonder if the people who like weekly episodes are my generation (I am 49) or close to it, and the people who like binge watching are younger, like 25 and under?


I am smack in the middle with 34 ;) and I think it depends on how much I want to watch the show.

If I am a die hard fan already I can't wait until it is available to binge watch. I just have to watch it as soon as possible!

With a new show, I like to binge watch to get a feel for the series and if it is something I would like or not.

That being said, I do often wait for a season to come to Netflix when the show is already available with previous season and won't watch it on free tv, simply because the German free tv programs are annoying the heck out of me.


I'm a bit older than you are, and sometimes binge watch, but prefer binging on shows that have already completed their final season.

I find when I binge a season, and then have to wait a year for the next, it doesn't trickle into memory as well as week-to-week. Then I end up stopping a little way into the first episode the following year, and rewatching the last episode or two of the previous season to remember what was going on, if the plotlines are complex (like much of the scifi I prefer).

Starting some 15 years ago, I started downloading entire five or more years collections of quite a few shows I'd missed seeing when they were aired, because I was working late or working nights. And I loved binging straight through them. Now, when they come out a season at a time on streaming services, I avoid watching more than a couple of episodes at a time, and give them a little more time to sink in, so I'm not lost the following year.


I disagree IF the show is good people will watch it on at weekly however Between , IMO, isn't a good show (Based on 5 episode)

Sense8 (2015): "If you don't mind, I prefer to think you are a hallucination."


I'm with you 110%! This show is SOOO bad. you know what, if I could have watched the whole season in 1 sitting I would have. I'm not sure if I'll go back for more. Again SOOO bad.


I just held off watching until all episodes were up. I am now halfway thru. Tomorrow night I will watch the last 3 episodes.


Yes, I'm sure the 32 billion dollar company will go under based on one low budget weekly show they produced. Pack it up folks, this person has done the math.
