Actually wasn't bad

I went in with very low expectations because of the utter tripe that was served in the last movie, Crimes of Grindlewald. Only reason I went in was because I am a potterhead and It had to be watched at the movies

It was a pleasant surprise though. They sort of went back to their roots, brought in more Magic, referenced a lot of harry potter things. I think Jude Law was awesome as a middle aged Dumbledore in this one - he played the character perfectly.

The weak link was the action and the choice of color palette which made it hard to follow what was going on at times during the action scenes.

They did a good job on the script this time and had a decent story to tell. And they have set it up nicely for the next movie for a change.

I don't know if this movie hold much value for non Potterheads though


the trailer certainly did look a step up. haven't seen the film but it did seem more
"Harry Potter British wizarding world feeling" to me.

however after those two first offensive films I will never be giving them money for the garbage they setup


Not bad, but not great. Felt more like a Harry Potter movie than the previous, but still a bit of a disjointed mess. The little deer creature felt a forced plot device to include a "fantastic beast" in a story that doesn't really need one. I'd prefer them to end this series and focus on stories revolving around the early years of hogwarts.


Bang on

I think they shot themselves in the foot with the "Fantastic Beasts" tag - the fantastic beasts were the worst part of this movie, because they had a decent story to tell besides that. Those dancing crab thingies and that inflatable bird and the deer, all seem forced because the title had fantastic beasts in it.

and what was up with the mirror dimension?


why the fuck is this even fantastic beasts lol. movie 1 added literally nothing that couldn't have been shown in a 2 minute exposition scene...

why not just do a "adventures of Dumbledore" movie if its about his war with Grindlewald anyways. you know, a recognizable name...

this is like if they still did the story of Harry Potter, but called it "ginny weasels and the philosophers stone"/ and did it form her perspective and still focused on Harry's story.


The first time I saw the movie, I didn't get much enjoyment out of it. But the second time I watched it, it was a lot better. I had the same experience with the previous FB movies, and also with one or two of the original Harry Potter movies. Something about J.K. Rowling's stories seem to "grow" on me. Maybe it involves becoming better acquainted with the characters, and maybe the plot line becomes clearer to me. One thing that helps me with the DVDs, I can select to have the English subtitles appear on screen, and that way I don't miss any of the dialog. It can make a difference if I know what is really being said. The plot can turn quickly on a few words. I would recommend giving the movies a fair chance; view them more than once. Three times is what it takes for me to come to enjoy them fully.
